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Agency VA 4371
Aborigines Welfare Board
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Date Range: 1957 - 1968
Description of this AgencyDescription of this Agency
In 1957 the Board for the Protection of Aborigines (VA 515) was abolished under the Aborigines Act 1957 (No.6086). It was replaced by the Aborigines' Welfare Board which consisted of the Chief Secretary, the Under-Secretary, the Ministers of Education (VRG 35), Health (VRG 39) and Housing (VRG 53) and five other members, two of whom were to be Aborigines. A Superintendent of Aborigines was also appointed. The Board's functions were to "promote the moral, intellectual and physical welfare of Aborigines (including persons of Aboriginal descent) with a view to their assimilation into the general community".

The powers of the Board were to:

- prescribe the distribution of money
- provide for the supply of clothing, medicine and rations
- manage and regulate Aboriginal reserves
- purchase, build or acquire buildings and land, and grant licenses to occupy land or buildings to Aborigines
- generally supervise matters concerning the interests and welfare of Aborigines.

The Act also prescribed conditions of employment and the issuing of permits to reside on reserves. In 1959 the Aborigines (Houses) Act 1959 (No.6498) provided for the Housing Commission (VA 508) to enter into contracts to build houses for Aborigines on behalf of the Board

The Aborigines Welfare Board was replaced in 1968, when a Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs (VA 2873) was established under the provisions of the Aboriginal Affairs Act 1967 (No.7571).
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Functions for which this Agency has or has had secondary responsibilityFunctions for which this Agency has or has had secondary responsibility
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Date of Responsibility Function Title Function Number
1957 - 1968 Aboriginal affairs VF 175
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1957 - 1968 Chief Secretary VRG 26
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