Checklist for authors seeking copyright permission

If you intend to reproduce material published by a publisher other than Aboriginal Studies Press, you must contact that publisher for permission.

They may have their own forms for you to complete; check their website.

When you first contact the publisher, you may like to provide them with material from the following checklist:

  • Title of the publication from which you intend taking material
  • The author/editor/compiler of the publication
  • The ISBN of the publication
  • The page numbers, chapters and word count of the material you wish to reproduce
  • A copy of any changes or adaptation of the material as you wish it to appear
  • The working title of your project
  • The author(s) of your project.

You can obtain the following information from ASP:

  • Aboriginal Studies Press/AIATSIS contact details
  • The markets and territories your publication will be published/distributed
  • The proposed print run
  • The proposed date of your publication
  • The proposed retail price of your publication.


Aboriginal Studies Press
P: 02 6246 1183
F: 02 6261 4288