Seventy days in Russia: What I saw - Angel Pestaña

Angel Pestaña

First published in Spain in 1924, Angel Pestaña’s journal recounting his experiences in Russia in the summer of 1920 as the delegate sent by the Spanish anarchosyndicalist Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (the CNT) to the Second Congress of the Third International, which he represents as “an objective accounting”, features encounters with Victor Serge, Peter Kropotkin, Lenin, Zinoviev, Lozovsky and Tomsky; while critical of the “mistakes” of the Bolsheviks, Pestaña ultimately absolves them of the greatest share of responsibility for the suffering of the Russian people, which he attributes to the blockade and civil war imposed and underwritten by the Western Democracies.

Seventy days in Russia What I saw - Angel Pestaña.pdf905.55 KB
Seventy days in Russia What I saw Angel Pestana.mobi285.4 KB


Serge Forward
Jun 2 2012 18:46

Thanks for adding this. It looks really interesting.

Jun 4 2012 19:15

Yeah, thanks very much for posting it looks great! And do I assume correctly that you translated this as well? If so that's amazing!

I am working through it now trying to tidy up the book ordering…

Alias Recluse
Jun 5 2012 20:49

Yes, I translated this book. It was a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Pestana's journal is a useful complement to Berkman's and Goldman's accounts. And thanks so much for repairing the format issues.

Juan Conatz
Aug 14 2012 07:48

This needs to be moved over to Part 2, which currently has no content.

Oct 9 2012 10:33

Bump, because this is finally formatted and laid out properly!

Apr 4 2013 20:41

i'm in the middle of reading this fascinating account. did he ever write what he mentions at the end:

That is why, to conclude our narrative, we shall make a promise; if the public likes our work, we shall write a second part that we shall entitle: “Seventy Days in Russia—What I Think.”


Jun 23 2013 10:54

We got an e-mail from a user requesting this in PDF format. Reddebrek if you got time to convert it that would be great!

Jun 23 2013 11:22

is there any chance of having this in a single PDF?

Jul 3 2013 10:41
MT wrote:
is there any chance of having this in a single PDF?

There is

Oh and by the way chapter 10 is at the end of part 2 when it should be at the end of part 1. I fixed the order in the PDF.

Jul 3 2013 10:57
Reddebrek wrote:
Oh and by the way chapter 10 is at the end of part 2 when it should be at the end of part 1. I fixed the order in the PDF.


Serge Forward
Apr 9 2014 08:58

I don't ask for much but... any chance of a mobi version?

Apr 9 2014 11:31
Serge Forward wrote:
I don't ask for much but... any chance of a mobi version?


Just quickly copy and paste each chapter into a word document, save it then convert it to a mobi file on

then you can even add it to this article is a file attachment so everyone else can use it as well!

Apr 9 2014 15:04

Personally I'm using calibre to do my conversions faffing around with website converters can be a bit tricky.

Serge Forward
Apr 9 2014 22:59
Steven. wrote:
Serge Forward wrote:
I don't ask for much but... any chance of a mobi version?


Just quickly copy and paste each chapter into a word document, save it then convert it to a mobi file on

then you can even add it to this article is a file attachment so everyone else can use it as well!

'Kin'ell... I think I've just gone and done something technological... didn't think I had it in me wink Mobi file uploaded, just awaiting moderation.

Apr 10 2014 17:53

Nice one mate, thanks! Feel free to do this with any other texts as well, it all helps make them more accessible to more people.