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Kidspot Pregnancy

Swipe right... For a baby!

Jo Hartley |

Is this app the answer for those seeking egg or sperm donors? This could be the answer for so many hopeful parents, but do the benefits outweigh the implications?

Image: iStock.


When it comes to dating apps, swiping right is associated with finding your perfect date or mate. So it should come as no surprise that it’s the same when it comes to the ‘Just a baby’ app - even if, in this instance, the mate being sought is purely for conception purposes.

About the app

Created by Australian developers, Paul Ryan and Gerard Edwards, the app was launched at Sydney’s Mardi Gras Fair Day on February 19. The app is aimed at those who are suffering infertility issues, are in a same sex relationship or are single and require a sperm donor, egg donor or a surrogate.

According to the developers they’ve already had interest from overseas and they remain positive that this app will fill a gap in the market that has, so far, gone unnoticed.

The app describes its sole purpose as a way to help find other people to make a baby with and commence negotiations.

According to the website, ‘The app allows you to find someone from the comfort of your own home. Easy and simple to use, it takes a minute to download and set up a profile, and with a couple of clicks you can be chatting to prospective “conception partners” locally or around the globe.’



Picture: Just a baby


From personal experience

As someone who went through IVF to conceive both my sons, I can totally relate to the stress, emotion and sheer desperation that come with trying to fall pregnant. Months can feel like years and waiting for that stick to show up two lines is like watching a pot boil.

Fortunately for me, I was able to use my husband’s sperm and my eggs so I was never in the situation whereby I had to look at other alternatives to conceive. However, if I had been, I would have had no issue in searching for donors. But would I have used an app? I don’t think so.

Maybe I’m being old fashioned and maybe in years to come an app to find conception partners will be considered the norm, particularly as people wait longer to conceive and same sex relationships continue to be recognised.

But to me, it seems a very formulated and strange way to go about making a baby.

Some might argue that it’s not all that different to finding a sperm or egg donor through a fertility clinic. In fact, some might consider it better as often the donors through clinics remain anonymous, whereas through the app people know exactly who they’re dealing with.

Subsequently, some might argue that because of this, it’s a more nurturing situation and there’s the potential for a wider family unit to form.


Pink heart flowers

All love is equal. Image: YouTube.


Long-term implications

But what about the legal issues and the long-term implications of any decisions made now? The ability to use an app to create a baby without any kind of enforced legal advice or paperwork is quite scary.

I understand that it’s recommended but, without knowing the app in detail or using it, I don’t know to how much of an extent this is pushed.

Regardless, having to go through all of that extra stress and strain of organising legalities, while also trying to conceive, would certainly have added more pressure for me.

It’s also hard to think about the long term when you are in the now.


Clinics however are very diligent in covering all aspects of this and ensure from day one that everyone’s on the same page.

There’s no room for manoeuvre once everything’s signed off. There’s no comeback for child support, there’s no expectation of shared parenting and there are no grey areas.

For me, there’s also the reassurance that donors who are found via a clinic have been tested for a multitude of diseases. They’ve been screened for the likes of HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and cystic fibrosis to name a few.

Only time will tell if this kind of app will pave the way for the future of conception. I totally appreciate the gap it’s trying to fill and understand that if it’s what works for others, then that’s entirely up to them.

All we can hope is that in the future no one invents an app where you can swipe right to change your parents. I think most children would sometimes agree that there’s definitely a gap in the market for that!