Soupy Leaves Home: a masterpiece of YA graphic storytelling, about hobos on the open road

In Soupy Leaves Home, writer Cecil Castellucci and artist Jose Pimienta expand the borders of young adult graphic novels, telling a moving, inspiring tale of Depression-era hobos, identity, gender, suspicion, solidarity, and the complicated business of being true to yourself while living up to your obligations to others.

Hobo nickels of 2013 from Mr The

Hobo Nickels, a subject we've been doting on for 12 years now, had a bumper year in 2013, as is evidenced by this gallery of Mr The's nickel-carvings (not all the coins are nickels, but the term is generic regardless of the coin) from the past year. Mr The specializes in big head/mini man carvings that add a tiny torso, arms and legs to the nickel's traditional head (it especially rocks with monster heads). Read the rest