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Free Marius Mason

Marius Mason is an anarchist, environmental and animal rights activist currently serving nearly 22 years in federal prison for acts of property damage carried out in defense of the planet.

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Support Marius

Marius is serving the longest sentence of any environmental activist, he needs your support. Support can include spreading the word about Marius' case, writing letters or sending in articles to keep him connected to the outside world, financial donations, event organizing, and more.

Support Marius

Write Marius

Marie (Marius) Mason
FMC Carswell
PO Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127

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About FMC Carswell

Behavioral Units = Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Marius is incarcerated in the high security Administration Unit at the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas. According to the prison’s own literature, the unit is “designed for female inmates with histories of escapes, chronic behavior problems, repeated incidents of assaultive or predatory behavior, or other special management concerns.” Marius has never violated any prison rules. Clearly, he is being held in this unit because of his political beliefs and in an effort to silence him.

More About FMC Carswell

Upcoming Events

June 2 2017

Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence

The campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons will be hosting its second annual national convergence this Summer! Last year’s convergence gathered activists and revolutionaries from across the country to explore the intersections of the environmental movement and the struggle to end mass incarceration. We also took our voices to the streets of DC, together with former […]

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June 11 2017

June 11th 2017 Callout: Communication is a Weapon

By now it is a platitude to speak of the isolation and silence that prisons strive to impose. Every week another one of our imprisoned friends tells us that their mail is getting fucked with, the phones on their unit are “broken,” or that our publications are being rejected with no recourse. For us, one […]

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January 26 2017

Marius’ Birthday – Jan 26

Send Marius a birthday card or book!  Check out his Amazon Wishlist to see what he would like to read:

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