Federal Politics


Schools funding: David Gonski is backski

Our Prime Minister has some form in self-satisfaction, but even by the usual Turnbullian standards, this was a smugness high point.

If the politics of education funding were a poker game – an unfair comparison because poker is both fairer and more predictable – a David Gonski unveiling would represent a royal flush.

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Government's Gonski coup

Malcolm Turnbull announces a new ten-year schools funding plan - and a new review by David Gonski. Labor brands the funding plan "an act of political bastardry".

When Turnbull announced his school funding press conference at lunchtime on Tuesday, most suspected a pea-and-thimble trick.

But he surprised us. Not only was Turnbull offering new, real money, he was getting the band back together.

Gonski, the man whose name has become synonymous with education reform in this country, was unveiled as a special guest star, the headline act for the new Turnbull tour.

He called it Gonski 2.0.


Gonski – whose landmark education funding recommendations for the Gillard government were accepted, then adopted, then tinkered with beyond recognition – well, he was backski.


If only someone had thought of it soonerski.

At a time when trust in politicians is at a historic low, what better politics than to throw up a consummate non-politician as the face of your new policy?

Gonski, a Sydney-based businessman who sits on countless boards, who advised the late Kerry Packer and who is one of our greatest philanthropists and arts donors, could not be more bipartisan.

In 2011 he faithfully delivered his funding review to the Gillard Labor government, concluding the system was "broken", and recommending a needs-based model.

But Gillard, lacking the political leverage (and parliamentary numbers) for a risky "class warfare" funding fight, cruelled the reforms by promising no school would lose a dollar.

This blew out costs and turned funding reform into a big messy war.

But if Gonski was cross about the way his recommendations were politicised and lost, he was too much of a gentleman to say so.

He has always batted away questions inviting him to comment on the political swamp that engulfed his plan. He played the long game.

It helps, of course, that Turnbull and Gonski are pals.

The two men attended Sydney Grammar together, and have always mixed in the same business, law and charity circles, sailing between the boardrooms of the CBD and the dinner parties of Sydney's deep east.

Gonski has been named as one of the Prime Minister's informal advisers, and there is affection and mutual respect between the pair.

How Labor teeth must have gnashed.

Gonski, the man and the reform project, had been theirs, and along with them, an entire union-backed school campaign carrying the slogan "I Give a Gonski", which lobbied to reverse the funding cuts from Tony Abbott's nation-traumatising 2014 budget.

According to the website for the campaign: "Gonski funding is getting results in schools. But Malcolm Turnbull plans to cut it this year."

That will need some tweaking now.