

Trying to save the world from a sociopath who endangers humanity. Helping minorities,women,and the needy from the greedy.Please RT memes-No Lists ☮️❄️💙🌎💙❄️☮️

Geregistreerd in juli 2016


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  1. heeft geretweet
    7 uur geleden

    The Trump and Russia collusion scandal will not disappear but only grow stronger due to the

  2. heeft geretweet
    2 uur geleden

    is going to backfire on because anyone with a functioning brain can see it was a coverup attempt.

  3. heeft geretweet
    2 mei

    My Election Collusion is not comparable 2 Watergate.They only physically broke into a building & I stole a Presidency

  4. heeft geretweet
    2 mei

    The GOP Congress shows time & again they put Party above Country & the interests of the super rich over average Americans.

  5. heeft geretweet
    2 mei

    missed the lesson on basic manners a long time ago.No wonder he invites ruthless dictators to the WH

  6. A.Silver-MeMEs-GIFs volgt nu , en
  7. heeft geretweet
    24 uur geleden

    firing Comey makes it obvious Trump is guilty of collusion needed ASAP SAD

  8. heeft geretweet
    13 uur geleden
  9. heeft geretweet
    8 mei

    but will likely spread about her after she reveals the truth on

  10. heeft geretweet
    5 mei

    that a cognitively failing conman has his paws on the US Treasury &is repeatedly attacking the document he swore to uphold

  11. heeft geretweet
    5 mei

    -Sick of the GOP & undermining the health&welfare of citizens on behalf of the rich. ObamaCare saved lives

  12. heeft geretweet
    6 mei

    Locked up for being Poor is an outrage since Most of the Worst criminals are super rich & are politicians

  13. heeft geretweet
    9 mei

    Comey being fired by answers the question -was for knowing the truth & being willing to pursue justice for the US? YES!

  14. heeft geretweet
    9 mei

    Comey fired by answers the simple question, Was for knowing the truth & being willing to pursue justice for the US? YES!

  15. heeft geretweet
    8 uur geleden

    "Donald Trump Is Lying Again" no surprise since he lies constantly -a transparent attempt 2 stall the collusion investigation

  16. heeft geretweet
    15 uur geleden

    Kellyanne Conway has as much credibility as which means zero.

  17. heeft geretweet
    14 uur geleden
  18. heeft geretweet
    2 uur geleden

    If wasn't such a complete ignoramus,he'd realise firing someone investigating him is as good as an admission of guilt

  19. 2 uur geleden

    If wasn't such a complete ignoramus,he'd realise firing someone investigating him is as good as an admission of guilt

  20. heeft geretweet
    3 uur geleden

    Only an independent prosecutor can provide a modicum of public confidence that FBI's Russia investigation will be conducted fairly.

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