Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. mai. 6
  2. mai. 5
  3. mai. 5

    If you made it this far, You can make it a little further. Just gotta stay positive

  4. mai. 5

    Dad made sure I was all tucked in before they had left for work.

  5. mai. 5

    Don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done!

  6. mai. 5
  7. mai. 5
  8. mai. 5

    The Joy, Of The Little Girl In This Video, Is Priceless After She Gets Her New Foot

  9. mai. 5

    Go for it. Whether it ends good or not, it was an experience.

  10. mai. 5
  11. mai. 5
  12. mai. 5
  13. mai. 5

    The devil whispers, "You can't withstand the storm." The warrior replied, "I am the storm."

  14. mai. 5
  15. mai. 5

    'Play is the highest form of research' ~ Albert Einstein

  16. mai. 5

    Thoughts become perception, perception becomes reality. Alter your thoughts, alter your reality!!

  17. mai. 5

    Keep your daily routine strong and the results will come 🎯 RT

  18. mai. 5
  19. mai. 5

    that every day this morally& cognitively bankrupt sociopath signs unread Ex. Orders drawn up by a Nazi

  20. mai. 5

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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