Media, Clinton supporters offer frenzied support for Syria intervention, refuse to learn from Libyan disaster

Ruins in Libya

Cheerleaders for Syrian intervention refuse to learn lessons from recent history

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Alexander Berkman, annotated and introduced by Jessica Moran and Barry Pateman [Book review]

Review of the annotated and expanded edition of Berkman's classic Prison Memoirs, which came out in 2017.

Black anger shakes the rotten pillars of bourgeois and democratic "civilization" - Bruno Maffi (1965)

Originally published anonymously (the norm within the Bordigist tradition) in 'Il Programma Comunista' (September 10th 1965), the paper of the former International Communist Party, written by the Left Communist Bruno Maffi (b.1909 – d.2003). Republished in 'Proletarian' #12, Autumn/Winter 2015. The article was prompted by the 1965 Watts riots.

The Spectacle of Bey

Analysis of pop-culture icons cannot be reduced to an uncritical admiration, and surface-level analyses, these positions tell us next to nothing of the true nature of the situation.

Coalition representing 350,000 announces May 1st strike

Picture from the May 1st 2006 "Day Without Immigrants" strike

Workers will strike on International Worker's Day to protest worsening conditions across the country

17,000 technicians and call centre workers on strike at AT&T

AT&T picket

17,000 workers at AT&T's telephone service group in California and Nevada walked out on strike Wednesday after AT&T change work assignments for both technicians and call centre workers.

Chomsky on War Research at MIT

Noam Chomsky's 'The Responsibility of Intellectuals', 50 years on, UCL 25/2/17

On 25 February 2017, a conference was held at University College London to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Noam Chomsky's landmark article, 'The Responsibility of Intellectuals'.[1]

During the conference, Noam made the following statement about the military research that was going on at his university, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, around the time when the article was published:

The last mutineer

Clyde McKay, left, and Alvin Glatkowski, in front of the prison ship

Article by Richard Linnett and Roberto Loiederman about the spectacular mutiny on the USS Columbia Eagle and what befell the mutineers afterwards. Two of the crew hijacked the ship, which was transporting napalm to drop on Vietnam, and sailed it to Cambodia.

Douglas Fraser's Resignation letter from the Labor-Management Group

The then President of the UAW's resignation letter from the Labor Management Group[1]. The letter outlines his disappointment with the group and rejects the strategy of collaboration. But it also reflects on the then contemporary class struggle and outlines the growing tensions between major corporations and the labor movement.

The Occupation of Alcatraz

A history of the occupation of Alcatraz island by the Group Indians of All Tribes (IAT) a coalition of native American activists and documentation published to explain the occupation.