
The New York City rent strike, 1907-8

Tenants discuss the rent strike, early 1908

A short account of the Lower East Side rent strike in New York City in late 1907 to early 1908.

Rent Strike in Toronto

Two hundred tenants are on rent strike in Toronto against increases they say are meant to price them out of their homes.

SLAP! - Squatters of London Action Paper

SLAP! (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a monthly DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising.

Housing an anarchist approach - Colin Ward

Colin Ward - Housing an anarchist approach 1976

Collection of essays on housing and the built environment from 20th century British anarchist and town planner, Colin Ward. First published by Freedom Press 1976 in London.

Rent strike: St Pancras 1960

A crowd defends Kennistoun House, 1960

A detailed history and analysis of the militant St Pancras rent strike of 1960 against council rent increases written in 1972.

Tenant vs lettings agency: "We need to come together to improve conditions for everybody"

In summer of 2016, Brighton SolFed was organising with a Leaders tenant who was being evicted from their flat. Following a series of pickets, that dispute ended after an offer of compensation to the tenant. Here, another Leaders tenant from a nearby town, who contacted Brighton SolFed during the summer dispute, tells her story about how she has been mistreated by Leaders, particularly about how they have neglected the property and tried to evict her and her partner by bullying them.

Homeplace (A Site of Resistance)

bell hooks

This essay, by bell hooks, was first published in 1990 in Yearning: Race, gender, and cultural politics. Boston, MA: South End Press. Chicago

Who really owns the city?

The Edinburgh council politics of Disneyfication of the city centre is in front of us. We see it in the never ending festival nightmare that haunts the whole city, and invades the city centre. Some people might even like it, performers take over the city centre, every street and location is filled with comedy, music and art, but often behind a curtain of light entertainment there is a different picture.

Dis/placing political illiteracy: the politics of intellectual equality in a South African shack-dwellers’ movement

Abahlali baseMjondolo.

The production and abandonment of surplus people also depends on rendering them as improper political subjects. In the prevailing political discourse, poor people’s struggles are deemed less than political through notions such as the idea that all protest is related to the pace of “service delivery” or accusations of violence, as well as often explicit characterizations of dissenting people as ignorant. Such discursive moves imply and reinforce a conception of the poor black majority as unable to think and practice their own politics; that is, as politically illiterate group of people.

Last remaining housing occupation in Bologna has been evicted

The eviction of the last remaining housing occupation in Bologna - around 100 people, 34 of them children, living in a building in Via Mario De Maria, in the working-class neighborhood of Bolognina - started at dawn on October 11. The police and the carabinieri surrounded the block and raided the building, beating people and even using pepper spray, the residents say.