health and medicine

The Mental Patients Union, 1973

Press coverage of the Mental Patients Union

Historical information about the Mental Patients Union, formed in London in 1973 to oppose psychiatric oppression, written by Past Tense.

NHS on the brink? A nurse's view on the March 4th demonstration and where the NHS is heading

On March 4th, around 250,000 NHS workers, patient activists, union members and members of the public from across the country joined a 'Save the NHS' march in Central London.

Interview with the Health Sector Workers Network (Aotearoa/New Zealand)

Recomposition interview with members of the Health Sector Workers Network in Aotearoa/New Zealand. They discuss attempting to build cross-workplace and cross-trade solidarity, the recent series of Junior Doctor’s strikes (the equivalent of residents in the US), and building workers resistance to health austerity.

2005: Tonga Public Servants General Strike

In 2005 civil servants in Tonga began a wildcat strike for higher wages, the strike grew to include many other public sector workers and took on political reforms.

C. Inza Deboise- Domestic Violence and Social Work from an Anarchist Perspective

Article by a domestic violence worker about the complicity of social services in the enforcement of patriarchy.

Revolutionaries Behind Closed Doors

Capitalism intrudes on the daily life of a mental health worker.

Hospital Voice

Partial online archive of a radical bulletin produced for hospital workers in Philadelphia, beginning in November 1970.

Clinical Aspects of the Work of David Wills


The writer is a consultant psychiatrist who has for many years been interested in pioneering ventures with maladjusted youth and in delinquency.

Why create space?

Why create space

Reflections on why we occupy. Ideas behind our autonomous spaces.