
Rent strike: St Pancras 1960

A crowd defends Kennistoun House, 1960

A detailed history and analysis of the militant St Pancras rent strike of 1960 against council rent increases written in 1972.

Why is the New Mexico City Airport a megaproject of death?

Since 2001, the dignified and rebel people of Atenco, located in México City, has resisted the imposition of a mega-airport that, if built, would deprive hundreds of hectares of land to the farmers of the region, and also, to bring environmental problems to nearby villages.

1982: Marshall Islanders Protest Weapons Testing

The decision by the United States to resume weapons tests on the Marshall islands provoke a massive campaign of civil disobedience by the local population.

1915: Glasgow Rent Strike

IN 1915 overcrowding gave landlords in Glasgow took advantage and increased the rent and evicted thousands who couldn't pay. In response the women of the estates banded together and chased away the eviction agents.

The Expropriated Bank of Gràcia: One More Step Forward in the Strategy of Tension – Argelaga

A report from Barcelona (published May 24, 2016) on the eviction of squatters from an expropriated former bank that was being used as a libertarian social center, the role of the City Government led by the former indignado, now Mayor, Ada Colau, in the affair, the resistance mounted by the social center’s supporters, and the political implications of the fact that Colau’s party, Barcelona en Comú (“Barcelona in Common”), despite her reassurances to the contrary, has now become a responsible party to repression and is providing a fig-leaf for a slowly intensifying “strategy of tension” that heralds further authoritarian developments for Spain.

Portland Renters Confront County Over Rising Rents and Evictions[VIDEO]

Portland Tenants United leads renters to challenge the Multnomah County Commission to use emergency powers to halt rents and evictions and treat Portland's gentrification as a wave of destruction.

Social Struggle in the Coming Period: An Outlook and Action Statement to Guide Our Participation

The following points represent a brief statement of priorities, an outline of some of the perspectives our organization has decided on to help guide our thinking and actions in the coming period. We do not want to overstate where our organization is at in our analysis and organizing, nor are these points a substitute for the hard discussions our organization still must have. These points developed out of reviews and discussions of the nature of the current period, the continuing wave of social protest domestically and abroad, and how we as a small and specific group of anarchist revolutionaries can participate in and help build those movements for dignity, justice and freedom.

Beyond procedural justice: finding our foundations in the worst case scenario

When organizing around housing, there are almost always extenuating circumstances like bank fraud and illegal actions by property managers and landlords. But what about when there isn't? Do we no longer organize against evictions and foreclosures, or does this reveal the real goal of housing justice work?

Protest staves off eviction for Liverpool family

An emergency protest called by ReClaim, a grassroots anti-austerity group based in Liverpool, successfully prevented the eviction of a family from their home in Bootle, Liverpool.

Mortgaged lives - Ada Colau and Adrià Alemany

Written by two of the founders of the PAH, Mortgaged Lives explains the causes of and points towards those responsible for the Spanish mortgage crisis and the broader situation. Ada Colau and Adrià Alemany analyze the role of the public administration, reveal the fights carried out by the PAH through first-person accounts and offer advice and useful resources for defending the right to housing and avoiding abuses of power by banks and financial institutions.