Spycops inquiry delayed until late 2019

In a double-whammy ruling Sir Christopher Pitchford has said his inquiry into misconduct by police undercovers will hear no formal evidence before the second half of 2019 — but exonerated the Met of using delaying tactics.

Freedom November 8 2005

The lead article for November was on wildcat postal strikes, which saw 30,000 walk out over "terms and conditions. After the Communication Worker’s Union’s (CWU) ballot over national strike action was lost the Royal Mail management have tried to press ahead with "modernisation" of the service. Modernisation of course being destruction of the union, wage cuts and slashing up to 30,000 jobs.

Freedom Winter 2016/17

Produced for the London Anarchist Bookfair in October of that year, featuring content from a number of activist groups. The lead article is from Frack Off, detailing government and business plans to expand the controversial gas extraction method across Britain, as well as the resistance against it.

SLAP! - Squatters of London Action Paper

SLAP! (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a monthly DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising.

Housing an anarchist approach - Colin Ward

Colin Ward - Housing an anarchist approach 1976

Collection of essays on housing and the built environment from 20th century British anarchist and town planner, Colin Ward. First published by Freedom Press 1976 in London.

Activists squat £100m development after eviction of homeless protest camp

A homeless camp set up in Brighton on April 5th to protest against a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which has been imposed on the city’s parks and seafront was evicted on Wednesday — and activists have responded by taking over a building linked to a £100m development project.

Black women organising - Brixton Black Women's Group

FOWAAD!, newsletter of the Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent.

A critical look at the growth, contradictions and eventual demise of Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent in the late-1970s/early 1980s, as well as the lessons to be learnt from it, by members of the Brixton Black Women's Group.

Universal Basic Income demand: ain't working for workers' liberation

Parts of the radical left see the Universal Basic Income (UBI) demand as a potential vehicle to a) ‘make people think’ about productive potentials and wealth distribution in capitalism; and b) unify a (fragmented and atomised) working class through a common demand. We think that the demand ain’t helpful for the following reasons.

Muting the SWAN: a radical alternative to Trotskyist social work

Critique of the Social Work Action Network, a group aiming to bring social workers and other interested parties together to campaign against austerity, by an angry social worker. SWAN's activism happens in the classroom or on the streets, but not in the workplace itself.

Danger! Official Secret: the Spies for Peace: Discretion and Disclosure in the Committee of 100 - Sam Carroll

Article by Sam Carroll, published in 'History Workshop Journal', Volume 69, Issue 1, Spring 2010.