Federal Politics


Gonski 2.0 aids Malcolm Turnbull's resurrection

Tony Abbott's term in office is now a smoking ruin.

Malcolm Turnbull's recruitment of David Gonski this week to resurrect the government's education credentials was one of the last bombs to be dropped.

The Gonski name became iconic in the 2013 and 2016 federal election campaigns (remember "I Give a Gonski") symbolising a huge policy gap between Labor and the coalition.

At the 2013 election, Labor insisted the coalition did not believe in properly funding schools and voters agreed in published polling that the ALP had the better education plan.

Abbott acted precisely as Labor expected in the 2014 budget, announcing a $30 billion cut to the decade-long school funding plan proposed by the Gillard government.

The then prime minister argued Labor failed to show where the money was to come from and voters would be foolish to expect such a pie-in-the-sky promise was affordable.


Debt was heading towards a whopping $370 billion by 2016/17 and former treasurer Wayne Swan's promise of budget surpluses as far as the eye can see were pure myth, the coalition said.

In any case, the Abbott government was committed to school funding rising each year, just not at the same rate as Labor.

At the 2016 election, the Turnbull-led coalition had no policy beyond the existing Abbott plan and Labor was again able to talk about its almost-religious commitment to "the full Gonski".

Turnbull scraped over the line to hold a one-seat majority, but was then left with what to do to counter Labor's clear lead on education.

Enter Gonski this week - Turnbull's school-mate from Sydney Grammar.

Having witnessed Treasurer Scott Morrison declare the era of "good" debt and "bad debt" (despite debt heading beyond $500 billion this year) Turnbull was able to offer a bigger bucket of money to private and public schools.

He twisted the knife into Labor by re-hiring Gonski to undertake a second review - Gonski 2.0 - to ensure the extra money delivers results, as Australia's student performance continues to dip on global scales.

The announcement, which will deliver $242 billion in recurrent commonwealth school funding over a decade, left Labor shell-shocked.

Bill Shorten, whose party has led in the polls since mid-September 2016, continues to argue it is effectively a $22 billion cut on what Labor originally proposed.

But politically Gonski 2.0 will at least neutralise the issue ahead of an election in late 2018 or early 2019, if not actually boost the coalition's school education credentials in the eyes of voters.

The coalition remains, however, vulnerable in terms of its universities policy also unveiled this week.

Students will effectively pay 7.5 per cent more in fees by 2021, on top of annual inflation indexation - about $2000 to $3600 more for a four-year course.

Repayments of student loans will also start earlier - at earnings of $42,000 a year- and the more you earn the bigger the proportion of your salary you will have to pay.

Turnbull dumped the proposed Abbott government 20 per cent cut in uni funding and deregulation of fees, which Labor had effectively labelled "the coalition's $100,000 degrees".

The federal opposition argues despite moving on from the Abbott era the government is still talking about higher fees for students and a $3 billion cut to university funding - at a time when the economy needs innovation, a higher skilled workforce and greater productivity.

Ironically, one of Labor's most effective weapons remains Abbott himself, who is determined to protect his legacy.

When asked about the school funding deal this week, the former Liberal leader and staunch supporter of the private school system said it was a "very big change in policy" which had not yet gone to the party room for endorsement.

"I imagine this will be pretty vigorously debated in the party room next week," Abbott said.

There will also be economic dries in the coalition party room - and minor parties such as the Australian Conservatives, One Nation and Liberal Democrats - who question the value of the extra funding and how it will be paid for.

This question will be answered, at least in part, in Tuesday's budget - which opens the government to a whole new round of political argument about the fairness of its cuts or tax hikes.