Federal Politics

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Cory Bernardi's conservative challenge has Liberals running scared

Christopher Pyne derided it as Cory Bernardi's third party in three months.

Barnaby Joyce described it is as "not a good start" because the replacement for Bob Day has decided (understandably) to sit as an independent for now rather than as one of Bernardi's Australian Conservatives. 

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Australian Conservatives merge with Family First

With Senator Bernardi set to gain thousands of members, finances and two state MPs, how will the new conservative marriage between him and Family First impact the federal political landscape?

The twitchy eagerness by two of the Coalition's most prominent frontbenchers to dismiss Bernardi's incorporation of the old Family First party, was itself quite telling. They are worried all right.

Tony Abbott said the last thing anybody needed was more small parties on the right.

For a player of no consequence, Bernardi's Australian Conservatives certainly has tongues wagging. Coalition tongues. Catholic tongues.

Importantly, Bernardi has picked up a couple of state upper house MPs in his home state of South Australia and presumably, a modicum of committed personnel with organising smarts, some money, and campaign machinery.


It is more than he had before – the difference perhaps between sinking or swimming as a political force longer term. It might at least ensure Bernardi is re-elected despite his recent betrayal of Liberal backers in SA.

The government wants voters to ignore the Australian Conservatives and see the Coalition as their true home. Yet in doing so, it is also saying that the grievance Bernardi expresses over social permissiveness, climate change, same-sex marriage, and feminism, is not a valid one.

In this, the era of right wing anti-establishmentarianism, that's more wishful thinking than cool analysis. Telling voters their gripes don't count is electoral dynamite.

For all the political pain it has caused him with middle-Australian voters, Malcolm Turnbull's inexorable shift to the right had singularly failed to convince Bernardi that the conservative tradition was being represented. 

And it is his assessment that many voters feel the same way. Listen to talkback radio – especially in the regions – and it is hard to disagree.

Bernardi may seem extreme, but he is no dill. He was one of few true believers in Australia in the Trump juggernaut – taking heat for modelling his famous Trump-style hat.

He got that outcome right. Coalitionists have been backpedalling ever since.


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