

Questions must be asked over ABC's decision to cut music radio programs

The ABC and other media outlets heavily covered the impact on the music industry of inner city lockout laws, but the ABC has been noticeably quiet on a far more important change that will severely affect Australian musicians – the ABC's decision to axe four of its long standing Radio National (RN) music programs.

The decision to cut the programs – The Inside Sleeve, The Daily Planet, The Rhythm Divine and The Live Set – was announced late last year and took effect at the start of this year.

As far as I can see, the only discussion of the decision on the ABC has been one PM radio program where a representative of the music industry voiced his opposition to the decision and the head of ABC Radio music, Chris Scaddan, responded.

There were clear reasons for the lockout laws, as health professionals who staffed our inner city hospitals attested. In Sydney the laws were introduced after a spate of killings. Following their introduction the incidence of serious facial trauma admissions at city hospitals dropped by 60 per cent.

There's no equivalent reason for the ABC management's decision to cut the music programs.

Indeed it's hard to find any real reason. The ABC is not even publicly claiming cost savings.


Scaddan says the decision was made to have RN focus on talk content, on big ideas content, discussion, debate, documentaries and features. He told PM that RN would move away from programs that were purely music with an announcer playing tunes.

Asked by Fairfax Media what evidence they had that RN listeners just wanted talk, an ABC spokesman said audience research indicated a decline in listeners for the majority of music programs.

The ABC apparently believes listeners who want music will move to Double J, Classic FM or triple J.

But Double J is a digital only broadcast station.

To Scaddan this is no obstacle. He told PM, "A lot of people have their television set up through their Hi Fi system, so it is like listening to the radio."

Questioned about this the ABC spokesman said surveys of radio listening "suggest that there is a significant number of people who use their TV to listen to both ABC Jazz and Double J, both available nationally.

"The ABC conducted three nationally representative surveys through the Research Now online research panel, which suggested that over 500,000 Australians use their TVs to listen to Double J, for example."

I have to say I have my doubts about this online survey, as I have about all online surveys.

It should be noted that the survey "suggested" the number of listeners and the finding does not make clear how often listeners use their TV this way. Do they listen to TV radio once in a while, or two or three hours every day?

How many farmers on their tractors listen to Double J via their TV? How many of us take out our TV when we're gardening?

And do listeners really want continuous talk on RN, the most accessible radio outlet in the country?

Even though I'm obsessed by news, documentaries and current affairs, I don't.

Behind the scenes it's rumoured that the ABC saw the four programs as catering for an older demographic. Management fears that it is losing the mid-thirties age bracket and is pushing its Double J station to win this group.

Even if the four programs catered primarily to an older audience, it's questionable whether losing an established audience is good business.

The 30 to 34 year old bracket may be the largest five year block in Australia at a little under four per cent of the population, but the 45 to 49 year old group is almost as big.

My totally unscientific survey of people in the target bracket got this response, "I almost never listen to JJ. I don't know anyone who listens to it regularly. They don't have any of the top people that I used to listen to like Adam Spencer, Will Anderson, Mikey Robins, Merrick Watts or Rosso."

On top of that there's the issue of regional digital reception.

Years after the phase out of analogue television, in regional Victoria where I live, the TV pixilates and the sound goes off for a host of (sometimes unknown) causes.

That's how it is for many in the regions.

The ABC Classic FM signal is also weak in many regions.

But don't worry. ABC management has great reception in Sydney and Melbourne.

The real reason behind the ABC's efforts to push Double J may be to start the process of shifting all broadcasting to digital, ultimately cutting analogue transmission costs.

Former Communications Minister and now Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is rumoured to believe that reducing transmission costs is the key to saving money on public broadcasting.

The decision to axe the four programs flies in the face of the ABC charter which states that the ABC is to provide comprehensive broadcasting programs that contribute to a sense of national identity, inform, entertain and reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community.

The four programs played a key part in promoting Australian artists and a host of them have voiced their objection to the decision. They include Bernard Fanning, Archie Roach, Deborah Conway, Gurrumul Yunupingu, Paul Kelly, Sarah Blasko, Spiderbait and Paul Grabowsky.

The ABC's last annual report shows that in 2015-16 RN, ABC local radio, ABC Classic FM and triple J all exceeded their targets for presenting Australian music.

But Double J fell below its local content target, which was at the relatively low rate of 35 per cent.

It's hard to believe that its record will have improved in 2016-17, given its recent obsession with artists such as American show-pony, Prince.

For obvious reasons, promoters and festival organisations have joined the outcry against the axing of the programs.

Playing a performer's music on one of the programs boosted audiences at live performances across the country. It was regarded as a mark of excellence to get played and artists knew that listeners included key people who booked performers for festivals from Byron Bay to Cobargo, Port Fairy, Canberra and Woodford.

The ABC spokesman says local radio and Double J broadcast from festivals such as these and the artists will also be heard on RN and triple j.

But it's hard not to believe that the axing of the programs has resulted in a net loss of music, and in particular local artists' music, on the ABC.

If you don't accept the ABC's claim that there's been "a decline in listeners for the majority of music programs" and want music programs back on RN you should let them know.

If nothing else you should sign the petition at