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Dangerous overreach: how Dutton made things worse on Manus

When Peter Dutton was pressed by the ABC's Barrie Cassidy on why he pre-empted the police investigation into the Good Friday rampage at the Manus Island detention centre, he insisted he was giving a straight answer to a direct question.

"I was asked why the mood on the ground had elevated on Manus Island," the Immigration Minister asserted, before repeating that an incident involving three asylum seekers and a five year-old-boy had been a catalyst for the violence.

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Dutton contradicted for third time over Manus

"Ridiculous" is how a leading Manus Island MP described Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's analysis of the violent unrest at the detention centre.

But that's not right.

Dutton was concluding an interview on Sky News about the government's changes to citizenship laws last Friday when David Speers raised the violence. "Do you know much more about this?" he asked.

It was an open-ended, almost innocuous question, with no reference to the mood on the island, but it gave Dutton a platform to ensure that only one issue was debated in aftermath of the rampage.

Rather than focus on the conduct of the drunken soldiers who fired into the centre and assaulted security guards, immigration officials and refugees, or urge everyone to be calm while an investigation into the incident proceeds, Dutton effectively put three refugees, and the entire population of detainees, in the dock.


"I think there was concern about why the boy was being led, or for what purpose he was being led, away back into the regional processing centre," he said. "I think it's fair to say that the mood had elevated quite quickly. I think some of the local residents were quite angry about this particular incident and another alleged sexual assault."

The clear inference was that locals believed the three intended to sexually assault the boy, and it was reinforced by background comments to journalists and the release of an Australian Border Force incident report to Sky News presenter Andrew Bolt.

The only problem for Dutton was that the report included nothing that contradicted the account of the three refugees, who have asked for the CCTV footage that captured every moment on the boy's visit to the centre to be released.

In their signed formal complaint, they insist the boy had approached them outside the centre and asked for money or food; that they took him inside to get him some fruit with the approval of a guard; that nothing untoward occurred; and that they have been vilified by Dutton for an act of kindness.

In the past week, there has been much debate about the veracity of the Dutton claims, with the minister sticking to his guns despite being contradicted by the local police commander, David Yapu​, high-profile local politician Ron Knight, and the refugees themselves.

"I have information you do not," has been the Dutton refrain, though everything in the public domain points to dangerous overreach.

Bolt, for instance, reported on Wednesday that Dutton's Border Force Commissioner, Roman Quaedvlieg​, told him that police were investigating the incident with the boy and have requested witness statements and the CCTV footage.

Yapu responds that this is nonsense. He told me on Friday he has only requested statements and footage relating to the Good Friday rampage and expects to be in a position to lay charges as early as next week.

Of the incident with the boy, he maintains there has been no complaint to investigate. "It's a very small thing and they are making a great issue out of it."

But the result was the one Dutton wanted: the conduct of the detainees, who are well into their fourth year in limbo in Papua New Guinea, has been the only issue – not their continued detention, the behaviour of the soldiers, or the fate of those who will not resettled in America under the deal struck with Obama and honoured by Trump.

Some might see this as clever politics by the man increasingly promoted by conservatives as a contender to succeed Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal leader, and maybe even PM, but it was irresponsible and cynical in the extreme.

Worse still, it served to make a difficult situation for more than 800 men who remain in the centre, and for those who are responsible for them, even more dangerous.

"Dutton's comments have made our lives even more difficult," says 23-year-old Rohingyan refugee Imran Mohammad. "There are many locals who don't know the truth, but they read the news and Dutton's allegations make them hate vulnerable refugees."

Yapu, the plain-speaking provincial police commander, is incredulous. At the very moment his men are trying to rebuild trust between the detainee population and the locals after the Good Friday violence, Dutton's remarks, he says, risk triggering an "escalation".

Dutton is right on one key point. Tensions have been building on Manus Island for a very long time. This is why it is so important to complete the US resettlement deal and ensure that as many refugees as possible are included in it. But he is wrong to suggest the tense atmosphere is overwhelmingly the fault of asylum seekers and to make sweeping generalisations about the sexual behaviour of asylum seekers toward women and girls.

The seeds of conflict were cultivated as soon as the asylum seekers arrived in 2013. Rather than educate both groups about each other, the asylum seekers were told stories of cannibals and deadly diseases, while the locals were warned that dangerous criminals lurked behind the detention centre gates.

Then, after three years living in prison-like conditions that left a majority of detainees with mental illness, the all-male detainee population was able to leave the centre in daylight hours after PNG's highest court ruled that their detention was unlawful.

Suddenly, they were able to visit the only town in the province and trade cigarettes for cash, meet local women and purchase alcohol and marijuana. Is it any surprise that a very small number behaved badly, that some had consensual sex with local women, and that some self-medicated on home brew or drugs?

Two asylum seekers have been charged with sexual assaults, though both protest their innocence and will have their day in court. For his part, Yapu says the interactions between refugees and locals have, overwhelmingly, been peaceful, respectful and lawful.

The big picture was brought home to me when I visited Manus this month. It is that almost 1000 asylum seekers and refugees continue to be damaged, many irreparably, by a detention experience dictated by the Australian government.

The story of the boy who asked for food is a sorry diversion from the desperate need to end their ordeal.

Michael Gordon is the Age's Political Editor.


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