Dawn Foster


Writer. Hardworking family. Gradually decreasing the quality of my own obituary. Buy my book or else:

Inscrit en juillet 2008

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  1. retweeté

    I'm trying to properly conceive of the shitstorm that would occur if anyone on the left sounded anything like this on Assad.

  2. retweeté

    people only like hearing about diversity from white men, says study via

  3. retweeté

    'It would need, for a start anyway, a dead body, a spectacle and a speech.' Colm Tóibín on the Easter Rising:

  4. retweeté

    Millenials: Is Their Concern for "Justice" a Subtle Attempt to Humiliate You?

  5. retweeté

    The least credible statement you'll see in a newspaper today...

  6. retweeté

    stop kinkshaming ghosts

  7. retweeté

    Can you put 'rent from a Nordic cooperative' in there?

  8. retweeté

    'They've split up friends. They've split up families.' Tenant on social cleansing of West Hendon.

  9. retweeté

    Long shot, but does anyone have old issues of Books Quarterly or We Love This Book they don't want?

  10. retweeté

    Eamonn boldly goes where none but the pope fears to tread.

  11. Dawn Foster s'est abonné , , et 2 autres
  12. When people who've never visited, let alone lived on, 'estates' write about them, my god.

  13. retweeté

    Housing policy can't be fixed until we treat houses as homes and not as stores of wealth via

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