Dawn Foster


Writer. Hardworking family. Gradually decreasing the quality of my own obituary. Buy my book or else:

Připojil se červenec 2008

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  1. Retweetnul:

    'They've split up friends. They've split up families.' Tenant on social cleansing of West Hendon.

  2. Retweetnul:

    Long shot, but does anyone have old issues of Books Quarterly or We Love This Book they don't want?

  3. Retweetnul:

    Eamonn boldly goes where none but the pope fears to tread.

  4. When people who've never visited, let alone lived on, 'estates' write about them, my god.

  5. Uživatel Dawn Foster začal sledovat , a
  6. Retweetnul:

    Housing policy can't be fixed until we treat houses as homes and not as stores of wealth via

  7. Retweetnul:

    Vladimir Nabokov sometimes spent as much as fourteen hours a day drawing butterflies:

  8. Retweetnul:

    "I try out Egg Slicer Wedger Piercer (£1.38, Amazon), which sounds like a person with a column in Tatler."

  9. Retweetnul:

    join PERC and . in developing strategies to lean out of the Zombie Economy Register here:

  10. Just had to look up and listen to "Mel and Kim" for work, why didn't I become an accountant.

  11. Retweetnul:

    this is correct, young people do not understand irony or subtleties of tone at all, because internet, yes

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    get you a man who can do both

  13. Retweetnul:

    Matthew Parris delivers the stiffest of kickings to Boris Johnson

  14. Retweetnul:

    Does the full article mention the time Boris handed over a journalist's address so the latter could get a beating?

  15. Retweetnul:

    There's actually something quite grisly about this. Pen as animal, with bloody fangs.

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