Rugby League

Canterbury Bulldogs

Different answer: Bulldogs coach Des Hasler got a 'yes' from Francis Tualau second-time around.

A father at 16 and saying no to Des once, Dog finally gets his day

A teenage Francis Tualau didn't know Des Hasler all those years ago. Didn't know who he was bringing with him, or who was going in lieu of him. How long he would still be away from home, trying to earn a junior contract somewhere. Anywhere. So he said no to the Bulldogs. He wouldn't do the same again.

Cordner deserves to be NSW captain, says Jackson

NSW captain-in-waiting: Boyd Cordner is likely to be named the Blues captain.

He was once touted as a potential replacement for Paul Gallen himself, but Josh Jackson has endorsed Boyd Cordner – the man he will eyeball all afternoon on Sunday in a final State of Origin audition – to lead the next generation of Blues.