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'Genius' playwright and speechwriter Michael Gurr dies aged 55

When word got out at the weekend that Michael Gurr was dying, a group gathered at St Vincent's Hospital to say farewell, according to his friend Joel Deane.

"It was like opening night at the theatre," says Deane. "There was a huge crowd. It says a lot about how much he was loved."

Gurr, 55, a playwright and political speechwriter, died on Tuesday morning after a short illness.

He wrote and directed for the theatre for more than 30 years, mainly for the Malthouse Theatre (formerly the Playbox).

His most successful works included 1994's Sex Diary of an Infidel, which toured nationally and won Victorian and NSW Premier's Literary Awards as well as eight Green Room Awards, and 2002 play The Simple Truth, produced by the Malthouse and Sydney's Griffin Theatre and performed in Britain and South Africa.

"Michael's genius was a combination of passionate belief in the theatre to make positive change, and a personal conviction that the least among us is valuable," says former Playbox artistic director Aubrey Mellor.


"His skill with words elevated his fierce ideas into enchanting provocations that remain unique in play writing – Crazy Brave is one of Australia's best plays and also a testament to his delicious sardonic humour."

Gurr became the Melbourne Theatre Company's youngest writer in residence in 1982, aged 20.

Summer of the Seventeenth Doll author Ray Lawler, who was the MTC's then literary adviser, said Gurr was "already beyond any need of me as a literary mentor or adviser" when he arrived.

"What we found instead was an immediate understanding based on laughter, and this is something that sustained our friendship over many years," says Lawler. "Laughter based on mutual appreciation of so many good and true things."

In 1996 Gurr began writing speeches for then Victorian Labor leader John Brumby, and later wrote for Steve Bracks during his time as opposition leader and premier.

Deane, who sought out Gurr while working as chief speechwriter for Brumby and Bracks, described his friend as "a legend in political circles".

"Michael was my mentor and friend. We had a love in common – he was a playwright who fell into politics, I was a poet who fell into politics."

Gurr's passing prompted tributes from the political arena and theatre makers around the country.

"Michael made an enormous contribution to state Labor governments and was a mentor and speechwriter to several Labor premiers," says Bracks. "His values of fairness and equity shone through in all his work."

Brumby remembered him as a "beautiful writer and a great advocate for the arts".

"He was a relentless political campaigner and made a great contribution to the Labor opposition during challenging times in the '90s. He had a wonderful sense of humour, a big heart and a great fighting spirit."

National Institute of Dramatic Art artistic director Kate Cherry described Gurr as "a loved lion, fierce, compassionate, loyal. A crusader, a wordsmith, a friend, a warrior, a shooting star."

Brisbane Festival artistic director David Berthhold lamented the loss of "a passionate and persuasive voice".

Gurr is survived by his siblings Mary-Anne, Susan, Belinda and Christopher, and by his longtime partner Brandon Jones.