The Dissenter

Reverend Sekou (Photo credit: Cody Dickinson)
05 May 2017

The Pentecostal Blues Of Reverend Sekou’s Intimate And Personal New Album

Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou has returned with a more intimate and personal follow-up to the movement album, “The Revolution Has Come,” which was released in 2016. As Sekou described in an interview, “In Times Like These,” has “everything to do with the material conditions that produced the Ferguson uprising, but

Photo from report by Project South and the Penn State Law Center for Immigrants' Rights Clinic. Credit: Steven Rubin.
04 May 2017

Immigrants In Georgia Detention Centers Put In Solitary For Hunger Strikes, Demanding Medical Treatment

Georgia immigrant detention centers frequently put asylum seekers and other migrants into solitary confinement as punishment for going on hunger strike.

FBI Director James Comey at a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
03 May 2017

The FBI Director’s Unsettling Argument For Why WikiLeaks Doesn’t Deserve First Amendment Protection

FBI director James Comey indicated WikiLeaks remains focus for intelligence agencies and prosecuting Julian Assange for his work as a publisher remains possible.

McHenry County Adult Correctional Facility. Photo from McHenry County IL website.
01 May 2017

Family Of Man Suffering From Traumatic Brain Injury Sues ICE After Violent Raid

The family of a Chicago resident with a traumatic brain injury and paralysis has sued ICE and the city of Chicago after he was detained on March 27.


Prison Protest

Five Mualimm-ak. Source:
05 May 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 4: Abolition By Any Means Necessary feat. Five Mualimm-ak

In this candid and personal interview, activist Five Mualimm-ak discusses his life, reintegration, and why he’s fighting to abolish prisons by any means necessary.

04 May 2017

Pennsylvania Prison Officials Censored Workers World Publication For May Day Coverage

The Pennsylvania DOC rejected multiple issues of Workers World because of passages advocating for labor strikes and solidarity among oppressed people.

Angela Davis portrait. Photo by Thierry Ehrmann on Flickr.
27 Apr 2017

Beyond Prisons – Episode 3: Are Prisons Obsolete? (YES!)

Kim and Brian discuss Angela Davis’ book, “Are Prisons Obsolete?”—an excellent handbook on prison abolition and the prison industrial complex.

Cook County resident Flonard was freed from jail by the Chicago Community Bond Fund. Photo: CCBF
25 Apr 2017

Chicago Community Bond Fund Saves Poor, Working Class Residents From Horror Of Cook County Jail

The Chicago Community Bond Fund helps people get out of jail who can’t afford bail, using their stories to push to end cash bond in Illinois.

"Last Days of Solitary" follows what happens to recently released prisoners when they go from solitary to the streets. With extraordinary access to the Maine State Prison, the film examines the long-term effects of solitary confinement and efforts to reduce its use. This image shows one Maine State Prison inmate looking out of his solitary confinement cell window. (Photo by FRONTLINE)
17 Apr 2017

Frontline Documentary Methodically Examines Solitary Reform In Maine State Prison

PBS FRONTLINE’s “Last Days Of Solitary” documents Maine’s progress in reducing the number of prisoners in solitary confinement at Maine State Prison.

Dr. Anthony Monteiro. Source:
17 Apr 2017

Radical Scholars And Prison Abolition: A Conversation With Dr. Anthony Monteiro

Dr. Anthony Monteiro discusses his work as a prison abolitionist, the influence that Du Bois and James Baldwin had on him, and answers the question “what does it mean to be human?”


The Bullpen

Vermont Human Right To Healthcare. Rally at the State House in Montpelier, VT. Photo by NESRI on Flickr.
02 May 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Overcoming Hurdles At The State Level

Attempts to convince states to adopt single-payer healthcare face significant hurdles that are both legal and financial.

"Obama at Healthcare rally at UMD." Photo by Daniel Borman (dborman2) on Flickr.
24 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Fighting For Universal Health Care At The Federal Level

In Part 3 of Jon Walker’s series, he examines various hurdles at the federal level that Americans must overcome to achieve a universal health care system.

"Healthcare Costs." Photo by Images Money on Flickr.
17 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Understanding Different Universal Health Care Systems

Unraveling for-profit health care will continue to be difficult if citizens remain uninformed on how different universal systems truly function.

Healthcare Justice March - October 26, 2013. Photo by United Workers on Flickr.
10 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: How The US Can Achieve Universal Health Care

This is the moment for honest assessment of how U.S. could adopt single-payer, a proven system that would actually deliver affordable universal health care.

Photo by North Charlestone (northcharleston) on Flickr
27 Mar 2017

Obamacare Is A Failure, But It Will Only ‘Explode’ If Trump Sabotages It

The American Health Care Act has gone down in a blaze of glory. It is time to focus on what President Donald Trump has long said would be his plan B.

Photo by Ted Eytan (taedc) on Flickr.
22 Mar 2017

At This Rate, We’ll All Be Dead Before Our Country Truly Fixes Health Care

Americans can’t endure endless tinkering with private health insurance. We must change the conversation on health care once and for all.


Sharp Edges

Abdul El-Sayed, candidate for governor of Michigan. Source:
19 Apr 2017

American Muslims See Campaigns For Office As Way To Fight Prejudice

American Muslims are increasingly running for political office to challenge institutional prejudice and discrimination in the United States.

Chicago Teachers Union protest. Photo by Joe Brusky on Flickr.
11 Apr 2017

Chicago Teacher: Rahm Emanuel’s Graduation Requirement Shows He Has ‘No Interest In Understanding The Issues’

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s new graduation requirement builds on his record of antagonism toward teachers and students.

Medical instruments by Cristian C on Flickr.
03 Apr 2017

America’s Health Care System Forces Citizens To Turn To Crowdfunding To Survive

Americans are turning to crowdfunding to pay for expensive medical procedures private insurance won’t cover, even under the Affordable Care Act.

Protestors demand Medicare for all in Bakersfield, California. Photo by ufcw770 on Flickr.
13 Mar 2017

Activists Mobilize For Universal Health Care As Republicans Propose Limiting Coverage

As Republicans propose health care cuts, activists mobilize local communities in favor of a single-payer health care model that benefits all Americans.

Photo by Bread For The World (breadfortheworld) on Flickr
02 Mar 2017

Immigrant Solidarity Requires Valuing Life Above Labor

The way forward isn’t campaigns drawing on cases of immigrants serving the needs of Americans, but a strategy that demands we recognize people as they come.

"Day Without Immigrants" protest in Baltimore | Photo by Epi Ren
21 Feb 2017

Facing Repercussions, High School Students Defy Administrators And Walk Out For Immigrant Rights

The fallout from last week’s “Day Without Immigrants,” which saw restaurant and daycare employees strike across the United States, started immediately, with at least 100 people fired from their jobs. High school students faced the prospect of similar repercussions, but nonetheless, they recognized the power of protest and participated in


The Next Cold War

Syrian Democratic Forces (Photo by Kurdishstruggle)
04 May 2017

U.S. And Turkey On Collision Course Over Kurdish Forces In Syria

A top adviser for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ilnur Cevik, warned on May 3 that United States troops and equipment risk being destroyed due to their proximity to Kurdish forces in Northern Syria. Turkey claims those fighters are aligned with the Kurdish militant group the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK),

Peshmerga. Photo by Kurdish Struggle on Flickr.
02 May 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 18: Kurdish Fighters In Iraq and Syria Feat. Joe Lawrence

Dan and Joanne interview photographer and film director Joe Lawrence about Kurdish fighters in Iraq and Syria.

The Joint Security Area in the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Photo by zedirk on Flickr.
28 Apr 2017

Who Benefits From Increased Tensions In North Korea?

President Trump essentially threatened to launch a pre-emptive attack on North Korea if intelligence shows they could hit the U.S. with a nuclear missile.

Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk)
25 Apr 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 16: The Blacklisting of Independent Media Feat. Kyle Kulinski

Journalist Kyle Kulinski discusses media concentration and the seemingly coordinated strategy to weaken, undermine, and destroy independent media.

Photo by Voice of America News: Scott Bobb reports from Aleppo, Syria -, Public Domain,
20 Apr 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 15: Were The Chemical Weapons Attacks In Syria A Slam Dunk? Feat. Brad Hoff

Dan and Joanne interview educator, investigative journalist, and Marine veteran Brad Hoff on the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War.

Source: President Donald Trump on Instagram. (
18 Apr 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 14: The Future of China In The Age Of Trump Feat. Peter Lee

China expert Peter Lee joins the Around The Empire podcast to discuss how solving the Korean crisis is actually antithetical to the goals of U.S. empire.


Beyond Satire

George Soros | Photo by Norway UN (New York)
25 Feb 2017

I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down

Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an uprising led by

Screenshot of CSPAN broadcast of Trump news conference.
16 Feb 2017

We Obtained Leaked Copy Of Trump’s Plans For First 100 Days And It’s Just Wow!

We got a glimpse at copy of what Trump plans to do by his 100th day and, whoa! It’s simply incredible!

Screen shot from C-SPAN broadcast of President Donald Trump's Black History Month event
01 Feb 2017

Donald Trump Remembered Some Black People For Black History Month

Read President Donald Trump’s remarks at a Black History Month event with African Americans.

Screen shot from Kickstarter page for the "Paul Ryan: The Magazine" project
30 Jan 2017

Creators Of ‘Paul Ryan: The Magazine’ Discuss Their Satirical Project

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is both a media darling, who positions himself as a leader that can temper President Donald Trump’s extremism, and an embodiment of much of Ayn Rand’s most destructive ideology, who is eager to carry out the agenda of the Koch Brothers. He is

15 Jan 2017

Trump’s Cabinet Of Terror: Let Us Explain To You What These Foul Creatures Really Think

We watched or combed through the transcript of every confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s cabinet picks this past week to bring you this explainer that is sure to make your knees buckle and induce nausea. This is not for the faint of liberal hearts. Here are the views of each

Photo by Kevin Gosztola.
05 Jan 2017

Introducing Beyond Satire

I am pleased to announce the launch of Shadowproof’s “Beyond Satire” section. Shadowproof launched as an independent press organization that aspires to support a range of work from freelance journalists, but I always knew at some point there would be expansions to complement our journalistic work and give the organization


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