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North Korea: By opposing UN we have increased insecurity

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has excoriated North Korea for squandering vast resources on weapons of mass destruction instead of meeting the basic needs of its citizens. Yet in recent years, Ms Bishop has argued stridently against the global prohibition on nuclear weapons, believing that US nuclear forces are essential for Australia's security and prosperity. It is on this basis that she decided to boycott a major UN nuclear disarmament process that began in March – potentially violating Australia's obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. More than 130 nations are part of these historic negotiations, the success of which is vital to our collective security. While this process will not result immediately in a denuclearised Korean Peninsula, that goal will be more readily achieved in a world moving towards disarmament. By opposing this UN effort and encouraging the US to bolster its nuclear arsenal, Australia has very much contributed to the global insecurity we now face.

Tim Wright, Asia-Pacific director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Inaction exacerbates threat

Have we not learnt from our mistakes in World War II? Do we really think appeasement will prevent another war? Tom Switzer thinks so (Comment, 24/4). The reality is that the moment Kim Jong-un acquires nuclear weapons he will attack. There is only so much that deterrence and diplomacy can achieve. Given North Korea's recent nuclear threats, our national security is at stake. We should be fighting to protect ourselves from an unpredictable rogue nation, rather than exacerbating that threat through inaction. 

Jacob Ni, Hampton

Perfect time to counsel US restraint

Mark Kenny (Comment, 24/4) says it  "would be a bizarre time" for us to distance ourselves from the US when a military solution is looking more likely. But one can argue the opposite: this is a perfect time for Australia to counsel restraint to our powerful ally. A call for strategic haste might suit the needs of a 24/7 news cycle, but it doesn't encourage sensible diplomacy or augur well for our future. 

John Wallace, Carlton North


Still trying to have a bet each way

I find myself agreeing with the North Korean spokesperson that Australia blindly follows the US in significant areas of foreign policy.   Whether it's following the US into Vietnam and Iraq on deceitful and/or trumped-up grounds; going "all the way with LBJ"; George Bush anointing John Howard as "the man of steel"; or Malcolm Turnbull gushing over US Vice-President Mike Pence, we instinctively support America rather than having a considered, independent approach. It's time for Australia to develop a mature, balanced foreign policy that allows for a healthy distance between our national interests and those of the US. The two don't always coincide. The alliance doesn't oblige either country to join in the other's wars. With increasing tension between America and China, we're still trying to have a bet each way. China is acutely aware of where our heart lies. 

Kevin Burke, Eltham

Beneficiaries of US withdrawal

We will have plenty of time to prepare if the US decides to drop a small thermonuclear device into one of North Korea's weapons bunkers.  The US will have to withdraw its civilians and their business assets from South Korea and Japan, and that will take weeks if not months. Regardless, China and Russia will be the beneficiaries of a greatly reduced US footprint in North Asia. Looked at through that lens the number of options the US has  is reduced. The chief of those tactics seems to be "talk loudly and carry a small stick". 

Trevor Kerr, Blackburn


Anzac spirit all around

While this  week we  remember the  events on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915, let us also contemplate the myriad events that are equally part of Australia's history. The great art, architecture, scientific advancements and human endeavour.  And let us make time to remember the history and loss of Australia's first people, as uncomfortable as that may be. 

Let us also remember  that  what  is promoted as  the "Anzac spirit" are the qualities the soldiers took with them to Anzac cove. Loyalty to mates, courage, resilience, ingenuity; let's  reclaim these qualities as the "Australian spirit", because they were evident before Anzac, and are still  evident, where ever there are Australians. 

Angela Wallis, Whiteheads Creek

Define our terms

I've been amused by the discussion about migrants adhering to "Australian values". Why just migrants? Why not all of us? However, values tend to be subjective and one size does not fit all. We should define our terms so we all know what we are talking about. 

Perhaps we could start by regarding our elected representatives as good role models – after all, they have to be Australians to be elected and they are elected by Australians! What better way for newcomers to gain an understanding of Australian values than to hear and see them in action on such programs as Q&A; and during Question Time. 

Their command of English is remarkable, as is their ability to avoid answering questions. We pride ourselves on being a democracy and adherents to freedom of speech. Why, then, do MPs need parliamentary privilege? Let them be subjected to the same rules of slander as we are and they will become better examples of model citizens. 

Terry Cerini, Creek Junction

Benefits to life here

Has Carolyn Berger (Letters, 25/4) offered up her soul in exchange for some favours in true Faustian tradition? Given her visceral rejection of Australian citizenship on the basis that she dislikes Australian "values", she has nonetheless traded in her own values to enjoy other benefits of living in Australia. 

Joanna Wriedt, Eaglemont 

Not a selection process

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young is trying to stop changes to 457 visas designed to stamp out blatant rorting. Citing the "need to attract and retain the best and brightest" she calls any attempt to control immigration "jingoistic hyperbole". The 457 visas were never about attracting the best and brightest, but rather bringing in skills that did not exist in Australia. The visas are not, and were never meant to be, part of a selection process.

Kev Kelly, Morwell

Kelly an easy target

Reports about pressure to remove Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O'Dwyer because of proposed changes to superannuation disgust me, but don't surprise me. O'Dwyer is the "media face of the changes". Three males are ahead of her on the financial decision-making ladder – Mathias Cormman, Scott Morrison and Malcolm Turnbull. Why are the apparently wealthy men not calling for the removal of any of these three male Coalition politicians? They are more responsible for the superannuation decision than O'Dwyer. Taking this move while O'Dwyer is on maternity leave is an added insult and leaves her in a difficult position to defend herself. To those who claim discrimination and bullying directed at women in the workforce is reducing, I hold this up an an example that nothing seems to change.

Jenny Callaghan, Hawthorn

Put away ego, Tony

It is time Tony Abbott accepted that the electorate did not vote him into government; it voted out Kevin Rudd. Voters generally want moderate, stable government. They don't care too much if it is Liberal or Labor, as long as it is well run. 

There is no taste for divisive, right-wing agendas. Pauline Hanson does not, and never will, represent a significant portion of the electorate, provided the incumbent government has a united team, clear air for communicating policies and the capacity to focus on governing for the nation. 

So, Tony, put your divisive and ego-driven agenda away and get some career advice. Your behaviour reinforces that you are not a statesman. Allow the Coalition to govern without having to fight for every policy on two fronts. 

If we can learn anything from trends overseas, it is that politicians who act as if only their survival matters allow crack pot alternatives to thrive.

Jennifer Piazza, Riddells Creek

All take, no give

Amanda Vanstone lives in the delusional world of the right wing where they believe the rich are hated (Comment, 24/4). 

No, they are not. Most Australians worked very hard to become rich and most are admired for their efforts. What gets up people's noses, rich and poor, is that tax legislation is so poorly constructed that allowable deductions enable some people with huge salaries to contribute nothing to tax revenue. Nothing to social welfare, to health or education, to roads or the police, fire services, defence and so on. Services they use. That is not fair. 

Mike Reece, Balwyn North

Poor have no voice

Yes, Amanda Vanstone, the politics of hate and division are easy to stir up, especially when the discussion is around those who are receiving welfare. I therefore find it hard to sympathise with those wealthy individuals fortunate enough to have their voices heard who can lobby for their rights, while those on the lowest economic rung are often left without a voice. 

Furthermore, when these people are heard, they are often shut down by the government and media as "leaners". If they're really lucky they will have their personal details revealed by a government agency, as happened to Andie Fox, or suffer a relentless smear campaign by the media, a la Duncan Storrar.

Romy Woodford, Ormond

MPs not up to job

Surely if MPs are incapable of drafting unambiguous rules regarding entitlements then they are not capable of carrying out the job of legislators for which they are paid ("Crackdown on rorts", 25/4). And if an MP is "caught out doing the wrong thing" then surely that is fraud and should be dealt with accordingly. 

Judy Kevill, Ringwood

When agents fall short

Discussions of the rights (or otherwise) of renters often become a "blame game" between tenants and landlords. But what is the role of the estate agents who "manage" many rental properties? In my most recent experience as a tenant, the  agent lost my initial application, which included personal documents such as payslips. They included false information on the condition report and were unable to provide basic information such as whether the property was separately metered for gas and water. Too often, estate agents fail both tenants and landlords.

Caitlin Stone, Brunswick East

Too-hard basket is full

It seems any genuine attempts to tackle housing affordability for young Australians has been thrown into the too-hard basket in the lead-up to the budget. That basket must be pretty full by now.

Luke Frazzetto, Glen Iris

Competing eyesores

It is a pity Year 11/12 reading lists have forgotten that classic and still contemporary text The Australian Ugliness by Robin Boyd.

In the last century this book gave me permission to speak out in class about the concept of visual amenity. It allowed me to describe cities where power transmission lines and telephone infrastructure are underground. Where controls are placed on advertising signage and shopkeepers understand that less is more; where one sign that can be seen is worth more than a riot of competitive eyesores. Places where a thousand no standing signs on poles are replaced by a few kerb-side red or yellow lines. Images of densely populated European cities that still convey a sense of spaciousness, preserve their architectural heritage and treasure their urban woodlands.  We are desperate for texts that expand our children's consciousness to consider their built environment and the natural world.

Ronald Elliott, Sandringham

Generic language

Attempts to censor particular phrases from literature and film without reference to context are concerning  (Letters, 22/4). The phrase "mother of all bombs" is only representative of female power, if anything, since "mother of all" is a pretty generic idiom to suggest the biggest and best of something. And "son of a bitch" has a male and female degradation, so the offence-taking comes across as a bit silly. 

Thomas Baker, Camberwell

Such an awesome city

I'm not sure if you Melbourne types fully realise what an awesome place you live in but as a visitor last weekend from the Police State (formerly known as Sydney), I was almost in shock at the sight of all the people on the streets and the general friendly vibe. I didn't hear one angry car horn. I am so jealous. If anyone wants to swap houses I have a six-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-storey house with a pool 28kilometres from the CBD. Will trade for less.

Grant Taylor, Greystanes, NSW


Foreign affairs

In just 100 days, Donald Trump has advanced the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds – from three minutes to 2 minutes before midnight.

David Seal, Balwyn North

Donald, Vlad and Kimmie. A great prescription for creating existential angst. 

Paul Murchison, Kingsbury

World leaders play with our lives.

Rod Matthews, Fairfield

South Korea, Japan, Australia and other countries should tell the US to get its troops out for safety sake.

Jane Spier, Seaford

In the good old days, the CIA would have squashed North Korea's president like a beetle – no questions asked. 

Bob Worcester, Doncaster

As a Glasgow-born left-wing unrepentant Fenian I hope June really is the end of May – in Scotland.

Simon Clegg, Donvale


Methinks the honourable Peter Dutton is taking "free speech" a tad too far. 

Tony Andreatta, Kew

Abbott was unpopular after he became PM. Dutton is unpopular  before he becomes PM. Changing times?

Alex Njoo, St Kilda

I bet economists opposed to reserving some of our own gas for us believe in "trickle down" ... and the Easter Bunny.

John Patrick, Wangaratta

Amanda Vanstone (Comment, 24/4), it takes particular chutzpah to assert "the politics of hate are easy to stir up" in the middle of an article doing precisely that. 

David Perry, Eltham


And Danni Roche is going for gold. Go, go, go. 

Keri Chater, Williamstown

This year's Walkley Awards will need to include one for best fake news.

Henry Herzog, St Kilda East

"We are going to get intermittent showers every now and then" – Anzac Day TV commentator's forecast.

Jim McLeod, Sale