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Federal Coalition: Putting super anger to the forensic pub test

The group Save Our Super established by Jack Hammond, QC, reportedly exhibited a mood of "white hot anger" at a recent meeting about changes to superannuation, with some type of rebuke being formulated towards the responsible minister, Kelly O'Dwyer ("Angry Liberals move to dump O'Dwyer", 23/4). The rage apparently has not subsided. 

I took a copy of the article to the pub to test the fairness of their anger. Before we'd had two beers, it was suggested that their complaints might be about the new cap of $1.6 million for funds in pension mode with any excess funds reverting to accumulation mode, which attracts 15 per cent tax on earnings. And some extra tax on your salary sacrifice superannuation contributions if you earn more than $250,000. You can understand why such a change would generate "white hot anger"! Mind you, in the next shout, everybody agreed they would love to have just $1.6 million in super – forget about any excess. Hmmmm. 

Paul Haarburger, Traralgon 

Liberals, and the women who loved them

There is a compelling historical irony in the undermining of Kelly O'Dwyer by troglodyte rich males in the Higgins electorate. In the 1920s to 1940s, it was women's voluntary political organisations, especially in Victoria's eastern suburban electorates, that made conservative parties trailblazers for involving women in politics. At a time when the ALP was a predominantly male domain, Robert Menzies' burgeoning political career owed an enormous amount to the canvassing support of such politically engaged women; and his new Liberal Party had, by the late 1940s, a "Status of Women" section in the party platform. In words that resonate today, Menzies stated: "No educated man denies a place or career to a woman because she is a woman." Except, it seems, in Higgins in 2017. 

Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza

The morally bankrupt and the pot of gold

Could there be a starker demonstration of the conservatives' moral bankruptcy than the push to unseat Kelly O'Dwyer? There's no such thing as the greater good: whether you're the mining, oil or gas industry, property developers or rich-as-stink superannuants, self-interest rules and there's no outcome that can't be bought.  


Dale Crisp, Brighton

Condemned for doing the right thing

The delusional Liberals lined up against the underperforming Kelly O'Dwyer for her support of long-overdue reforms to superannuation tax concessions is clearly a manifestation of allthat is wrong with the Coalition today. 

Neil Hudson, East Melbourne 

Irritable old white man? Just the ticket

Of course Kelly O'Dwyer has to go. And if she can't be replaced by a man, at least let her replacement be chosen by old white men. Men (mostly old and white) are doing such a great job running churches, governments, the Australian Olympic Committee, TV companies and the list goes on. We don't want or need diversity in any shape or form. 

Belinda Burke, Hawthorn


Out of touch with rich

Politicians are often accused of being "out of touch". Well, I have an admission to make. I am also out of touch – with the wealthy. I seem to have no empathy for their sense of well-being that can only come with wealth acquisition. I don't understand their  joy in being able to choose what rent they can charge their tenants in their numerous negatively geared residences, nor can I understand how difficult it must be when choosing between prestigious and expensive cars, and their distress in not being able to minimise their income to ensure  zero is paid to the Australian Tax Office. Yes, I admit to being out of touch with the well-off and I apologise to the conservative politicians who govern for themselves (and so they should).

Graham Answerth, Mt Toolebewong 

What's good for us

My local newspaper has further enlightened me about Australian values. Apparently Chinese millionaires and billionaires are jetting in to the eastern suburbs on "property buying jaunts".  In China, land cannot be owned; the government sells it on 99-year leases. Here, these fly-in-fly-out investors spend less than a week, snapping up luxury homes, off-the-plan apartments and even farms.  A former Whitehorse councillor, "well-connected" in the local Chinese community, says this is good for us: "The more rich people that come, the better they can help to build the community."  Presumably, that would be as absentee landlords. 

Joan Reilly, Surrey Hills 

Unappealing menu

I'm wondering if the new citizenship test will be conducted at the same pub where other public policy testing is conducted? It would be an interesting pub to visit, though I am not sure how appealing the menus would be.

Andrew Denne, Sandy Bay, Tas

Language below par

Peter Dutton wants to increase the standard of English for citizenship but his English is below par. He has twice misused the verb "cower", telling Sky News: "I'm not going to be cowered into a different position when I know what I've said to be the truth."

Barbara Trauer, Northcote

Interference an outrage

Amazon has no right to resist efforts to unionise its workforce  ("Unions vow to take on Amazon", 23/4). If workers wish to join a union and have third-party representation that is their business alone. Interference in the rights of workers to act collectively is an outrage and should be resisted by those who believe fair and reasonable working conditions for all are a vital part of the Australian way of life.

Colin Smith, Murrumbeena

Silence is deafening

Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull might have missed it, but the US tested a nuclear launch missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California last Wednesday. It was a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile, of which the US has about 400 armed with nuclear warheads, in addition to their thousands of other nuclear weapons.  The test was worthy of some of that outrage  directed to North Korea, but Australia was silent, as befits our status as a clanging echo of Washington.

If Bishop and Turnbull were genuinely concerned about peace, they would be urging diplomatic talks with North Korea, and de-escalation of this crisis. Australia would also be joining, rather than opposing, UN talks to prohibit all nuclear weapons.

Sue Wareham, Cook, ACT

Accolades in waiting

Whoever can negotiate a peaceful resolution with North Korea and avert a war should be celebrated as a  hero who saved potentially millions of lives. We'll hold ticker tape parades and build statues in his/her honour and name a public holiday after them. Will never happen.

James Jasper, Yarraville

Speak from the heart

Another Anzac Day; another march down a main street; another reminder of its  importance to communities large and small. And another evening of news highlights of commemoration ceremonies around the world, each with a few seconds of senior military officers and politicians giving keynote speeches. And every single one read from a prepared text, with their eyes and mouth directed to the lectern rather than to the listeners. Are they incapable of speaking from the heart?

Nick Jans, Marysville

Limits to compassion

The mention of women's suffering in war used to be met with howls of outrage. Now the phrase "Lest We Forget" used in conjunction with Manus, Nauru, Syria and Palestine has provoked vehement criticism. Politicians who recently pushed for changes to free speech legislation have been vocal in their condemnation. It seems the phrase has become contentious if linked with other arenas of conflict. The phrase is taken from the poem "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling, which he composed for the occasion of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897 and was not concerned with war. Might we not widen our sphere of compassion? Well may we remember other suffering individuals.

Anne Tan, Forest Hill

A line to outside world

The article "Inside Parkville, in their own words" (News, 23/4) was compelling. It gave a much-maligned cohort a direct voice to the outside world, helping us all understand the huge personal challenges this group has encountered in their young lives.

The themes of hopelessness in trying to break the cycle of "growing up in a family or community where crime and violence is normal" only to repeat the patterns of poor behaviour were gut wrenching. As was the plea by another young person of being "voiceless", that "no one really cares".

However, glimmers of light shone through, demonstrating that through education and support, young people were "striving to face big challenges and courses that others would never think of". The message is resoundingly clear: these young people require therapeutic and practical interventions in facilitating the recovery of these young detainees, who have seldom or never had an adult exclusively in their corner.

Jelena Rosic, Mornington

Crying out for rehab

In his excellent analysis of the state's approach to violence, "When the hard line is the weak option" (The Saturday Age, 22/4), John Silvester suggests a rehabilitative approach. This would go hand in hand with the article "Inside Parkville", where some of the young offenders talked about appreciating the educational opportunities of juvenile "justice". It would seem some kids are so distanced from the mainstream that they have nothing to lose, so drift into drugs and crime. If 200 young people are responsible for 47 per cent of the crime, as reported recently, then the state is negligent if it doesn't provide intensive rehabilitation for them.

Helen Pereira, Heidelberg Heights

The killing season

This weekend marks the midpoint of Victoria's duck shooting season.  There has already been six weeks of killing, with many thousands of native waterbirds now dead or lying wounded.  

The slaughter reached a new low this weekend, with the competition called "Duck Hunt Challenge" in Horsham.  The goal is to kill certain species or combinations of species.  Points are allocated in advance and prizes are awarded to the shooter who gets the most points.  This type of hunting competition is particularly barbaric, and was cancelled by Field and Game Australia because of the large number of birds wounded and abandoned.  

To increase the chances of winning, shooters often illegally discard birds that do not attract points. But this event epitomises the reality of duck shooting.  It is a killing game.  Our waterbirds have a right to live safely in their wetland homes, and not be relegated to targets in some pseudo-fairground attraction.

Kim Stacey, Black Rock

To Vexit or not?

Victoria, whither or wither? Canberra was established as the seat of government to avoid Sydney or Melbourne gaining pre-eminence. That objective is being eroded. For 20 of the past 25 years the prime minister has hailed from NSW. The secondary residences of the PM and Governor General are in Sydney. The ABC's head office is in Sydney, with programming increasingly Sydney-centric. Even the AOC is headquartered in Sydney despite Melbourne being recognised as the "sports capital". And investment in transport favours NSW; for the five years to 2020 the Commonwealth has allocated $3 billion to Victoria but $10.5 billion to NSW.  During a recent heatwave there was a risk that power to Ballarat and Bendigo would be shut down to maintain supplies to NSW.

Sydney has become the de facto capital of Australia to our detriment. We need to take control of our destiny. To fulfil our potential Victoria must leave the Commonwealth and Vexit.

Peter Bellamy, Maldon