Buttery Coffee Crumb Cake

  I woke up early yesterday and was checking my Facebook for any drama or Buzzfeed lists I might have missed when I was sleeping and was taken by a photo of a tasty looking crumbly coffee cake.  I’ve been feeling a little bit nostalgic lately. Mostly because of the upcoming holiday season. I really…

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(Wo)man on the Street Series: Why Karaoke in Italy is the Worst Thing in the World

I know that saying Karaoke in Italy is the worst thing in the world might be a bit inflammatory but I’m here to drop truth bombs al la Tracy Morgan so I’m sticking with it. I suppose I should preface this all and tell you exactly WHY karaoke here is so horrendous here and WHY…

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How to Have Lunch in the Center of Florence for less than €10

An impromptu day trip to Florence led us to come up with the cheapest way to have lunch in the center of Florence for less than €10 with a view of the Ponte Vecchio.  I’m not kidding I swear!  Not only did we find free parking (“che culo!” as they say, colloquially, in Italian) but we…

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(Wo)man on the Street Series: Bathrooms

Have you ever found yourself out and about and needing to go to the bathroom – RIGHT NOW? You have?  Well, read on, because going to the bathroom in Italy is one of the most frightening experiences you will ever face in your life. And no, I’m not exaggerating. Qualify your statement please, Hayley. OK….

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Rimini Countdown

I have a secret. I haven’t told you before because I was waiting to make sure that everything would be confirmed, but now that it is I can share it with the world!  In two days, from October 8-11, 2014 I’ll be attending the Travel Blogger Destination – Italy  conference as one of the TOP BLOGGERS…

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(Wo)man on the Street Series: An introduction to the Italian Populace

I like Italy. It’s a beautiful country with amazing food, great wine, and an amazing history that I am only just beginning to appreciate. Moving away has really made me grow as a person too. I’ve learned patience thanks to Italian bureaucracy, longsuffering also thanks to Italian bureaucracy, assertiveness thanks to an egocentric society that takes more…

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Torta all’acqua alla Cioccolata/Chocolate “Water” Cake

Fair warning: I MAY have gone a bit crazy with pics on this post. I was trying out new techniques both pre-and post processing and decided to put them all on here for your consumption. Hope they tantalize your eyebuds! The other day my good friend and colleague came to work and handed me a book….

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Rosemary Chicken with White Wine Sauce

Can I tell you a secret? I’m not a huge fan of chicken. I eat it often enough, but when I do, it’s covered in sauces, or I add something to it just to give it a little taste. I’m not sure precisely why I don’t like the taste, but there’s just something about it that rubs…

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Spaghetti with Mussels and White Wine Sauce

In case you’ve been waiting with bated breath for my next post, I won’t leave you in despair for much longer. I went to Canada with my daughter for a couple of weeks to visit family and friends. Two weeks was too short, but you’ve got to take what you can get, am I right?…

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Top 10 Things You’ll Have to Suck Up If You Want to Live in Italy: #8

If you’ve ever been a college student with a gratifying afternoon-only schedule, a kid home sick for the day, a mom just trying to relax in the afternoon while the kids are napping, a dad relaxing on the couch with full control of the remote, a DINK (double income no kids) lazing away the afternoon,…

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