At the global level, the UNDG serves as a high-level forum for joint policy formation and decision-making. It guides, supports, tracks and oversees the coordination of development operations in 165 countries and territories.

The results of the UNDG are organized according to the UNDG strategic priorities and strategic approaches, capturing what we do and how we do it.

The UNDG current strategic priorities are: Support countries in accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; Support national partners in implementing human rights obligations and integrate human rights principles and international standards into the work of the UN and; Help build resilient societies and deliver effective support for sustainable recovery in crisis and post-crisis countries.

The UNDG current strategic approaches are: Promote coherent development results across the entire UN development system to improve transparency and accountability; Functioning of the Resident Coordinator system as participatory, collegial and mutually accountable; Accelerate simplification and harmonization of business practices; Develop effective partnerships and multi-stakeholder engagement; Strengthen capacity development as a core function of the UN development system and; Enhance integrated planning, programming and policy.

The implementation of the UNDG strategic priorities and work plan is driven by a core set of working mechanisms – working groups and task teams – with focus on fostering system-wide norms, standards, and policies, as well as operational effectiveness.

The UNDG meets three to four times a year under the chairmanship of the UNDG Chair. The Group is composed of senior representatives at the Assistant Secretary-General / Assistant Director-General level, designated by the executive heads of UNDG member entities. The UNDG Chair also counts on the Advisory Group for guidance on managing the operational dimensions of the UNDG and the Resident Coordinator system.



The UNDG serves as a high-level forum for joint policy formation and decision-making. It agrees on the UNDG strategic priorities and work plan and endorses all formal UNDG guidance, policy papers and position statements, in close consultation with the other pillars of the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.



UNDG Strategic Priorities

The UNDG Strategic Priorities 2013-2016 intend to maximize the collective impact of the UN development system in delivering effective support to countries through nationally-led and owned development processes.



The UNDG became one of the three pillars of the UN system Chief Executives Board for Coordination in 2008 to enhance the coherent development of policies for the UN system in the field of international cooperation. Since then, the UNDG represents the high level committee on country-level operations, next to the two existing Chief Executives Board pillars.


UNDG Chair

The UNDG is chaired by the  UN Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator on behalf of the Secretary-General.

Advisory Group

The Advisory Group provides the UNDG Chair with advice and guidance on managing the operational dimensions of the UNDG and the Resident Coordinator system. The group convenes at the level of heads of agencies and at the Assistant Secretary-General/Assistant Director-General level. It is conformed by 16 UNDG members and some participate on a rotational basis.


UNDG Working Groups

The implementation of the UN Development Group strategic priorities and work plan is driven by a core set of working mechanisms – working groups and task teams – with focus on fostering system-wide norms, standards, and policies, as well as operational effectiveness.


UN Development Operations Coordination Office

The UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UN DOCO) is the secretariat of the UNDG providing technical and advisory support to its members. It brings together the UN development system to promote change and innovation to deliver together on sustainable development.
