Explore how UNDG is contributing to the global development agenda.

This portal displays data from UNDG members that are currently publishing to the IATI standard. Learn more
Total projects
Active Projects
Total UN budget
Total UN budget includes all data ever published in IATI by all UN members and observers (including The World Bank).
Total Expenses
top bottom
UN publishers
Countries UN operates in
UN activities published in IATI
What is it?

d-portal.org is a country-based information platform that tracks resource flows. It is aimed at providing line ministries, parliamentarians and civil society in developing countries with information that can assist with the planning and monitoring of development activities.

In its first iteration d-portal contains current data published through the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) as well as the most recent (2012) aggregated data published to the OECD DAC Creditor Reporting System.

Relevant links > Information on current development (News) > Read more about d-portal Explore countries and publishers

Pick a country or publisher below to explore their data.

Only countries and publishers with data published to IATI are available for exploration.

Where is the data from?

Data in the dropdown menu is built from the database which updates everyday at GMT +0 with new data fetched from the IATI Registry.

The list of publishers comes from published XML activities reported by UNDG members in the IATI Registry database.

We list countries that are reported by publishers using ISO3166 Alpha-2.

The dropdown list of sectors corresponds to OECD DAC 3 Digit sector codes.

Where is the data from?

Data in the dropdown menu is built from the database which updates everyday at GMT +0 with new data fetched from the IATI Registry.

We list countries that are reported by publishers using ISO3166 Alpha-2. For attribution and links to data sources, go here.

The list of publishers with their IATI publisher ID comes straight from the IATI Registry database.

The dropdown list of publishers comes from published XML activities reported by these publishers.