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Shame on every one of the 217 Republicans who voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, and substitute basically nothing. Trumpcare isn’t a replacement of the Affordable Care Act. It’s a transfer from the sick and poor to the rich and healthy.

Even Star Trek’s Deanna Troi is calling Paul Ryan’s spokeswoman a ‘lying sack of sh*t’ for Trumpcare lie

Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)’s spokeswoman AshLee Strong is not having a very good day. Even Star Trek's Counselor Deanna Troi -- actress Marina Sertis -- is blasting her for claiming the ACHA was scored by the CBO.

Paul Ryan obliviously poses with protester wearing anti-Trumpcare ‘Go f*ck yourself’ shirt

Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was photographed on Saturday posing next to an anti-Trumpcare protester wearing a T-shirt that said, “Repeal and go f*ck yourself” and signed “GOP.”

Arkansas woman hit with weapons charge for pulling gun on teen who was sexually abusing a dog

An Arkansas woman was charged with a weapons violation after she pulled a gun on a 14-year-old boy who she caught sexually abusing a neighbor's dog.

WATCH: Idaho town hall erupts after GOP lawmaker says ‘no one dies’ from lack of health care

Voters attending a packed town hall in Idaho booed and shouted down their Republican congressman after he attempted to defend the House passing a replacement for Obamacare by telling the crowd “no one’ in the US dies from lack of health care.

‘This is not the story we want’: Reporters chased out of meeting with Kushner family pitching Chinese investors

The seminar was billed as "Invest $500,000 and immigrate to the United States."

Montel Williams blasts ‘ridiculous’ Trumpcare bill: Half of US adults have ‘pre-existing conditions’

Talk show host, U.S. Marine veteran and activist Montel Williams told CNN on Saturday that as an individual with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), he is deeply concerned about the people who will be hit hard by the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Newly discovered 1959 letter: Nixon feared American racism would drive world into the arms of the Russians

In the letter to a woman in North Carolina, Nixon wrote: "I could not accept Hitler’s idea of a master race. I cannot accept the equally false principle of an inferior race.”

If you want to know how deeply Russia had its hooks into the Trump campaign, you need to follow the money

Did theTrump campaign collude with Russia? Follow the cash among the alphabet soup of federal agencies are many whose existence is never much considered—until they are needed.

‘It’s f*cking racist’: Watch a black teen confront his white teacher who insists on using the N-word

Students angrily confronted a white New Orleans teacher who insisted he could use the most notorious racial slur because it had been drained of its meaning through overuse.

‘You’re dead to me’: Arkansas father calls daughter ‘f*ckin whore’ for taking black man to prom

A story about a high school senior from Lake Village, Arkansas is going viral after her father launched into a racist, misogynist meltdown when he saw photos of her at prom with a black teen.

CNN’s Hughes demands apology from ‘bully’ Sam Bee for mocking her ‘mazel tov cocktail’ defense of Trump

CNN contributor and Donald Trump booster Scottie Nell Hughes thinks comedian Samantha Bee “bullied” her.