Woman making payment with credit card

‘No point’ paying by smartphone

THE smartphone revolution has hit a snag, at least when it comes to mobile payments and cardless cash withdrawals.

Aussie women face ‘poverty’ in retirement

Aussie women face ‘poverty’ in retirement
WOMEN have on average less than half the superannuation of men when they retire, leading industry figures to call for change in the Budget.

Kochie: Fight fruit and veg prices

Kochie: Fight fruit and veg prices
FRUIT and vegetable prices are rising after the recent cyclone and floods, but Kochie has advice on how to stay healthy without breaking the budget.

How to avoid credit card interest

How to avoid credit card interest
SAVVY credit card users looking to avoid paying hefty interest costs can do so if they are smart about the way they use plastic.

How to access your super early

How to access your super early
ACCESSING superannuation early is still a pipe dream for many first home buyers, but other Aussies have been able to do it for these reasons.

Kochie’s seven steps to getting rich

Kochie’s seven steps to getting rich
BUILDING wealth can be a slow burn, but Kochie outlines the key factors you need to be across to set yourself up for the future.

Use your phone to make cash

Use your phone to make cash
TIME spent travelling between home and work can become a money-making exercise for people prepared to think outside the box.

Don’t let devices burn your budget

Don’t let devices burn your budget
HOUSEHOLD technology costs are on the rise as families use more devices and upgrade smartphones, so how do you rein it all in?

Aussies waste big on health extras

Aussies waste big on health extras
WHEN was the last time you claimed on your health insurance for naturopathy? These are the unused extras costing Aussies a packet.

Kill your debts quicker than ever

Kill your debts quicker than ever
AUSTRALIANS are often “seduced” by the idea of rolling credit card and other debts into their home loans, but it can actually end up costing more.

Understanding good versus bad debt

Understanding good versus bad debt
SCOTT Morrison wants to break spending down into good and bad debt categories — so should you do the same for your household budget?

Aussies a click away from $1.1 billion

Aussies a click away from $1.1 billion
MORE than $1 billion in unclaimed money is available in Australia and the government is making it easier than ever to get it back.

It’s time we made money off China

It’s time we made money off China
WE HEAR about foreign investors buying up Aussie property, but have you ever wondered how to make money by investing in China? Kochie explains how.

The Aussies who ‘may never repay debt’

The Aussies who ‘may never repay debt’
A COMFORTABLE retirement is far from reality for a significant number of older Australians, with their national debt at $1.56 billion.

Lenders may be ripping you off

Lenders may be ripping you off
BORROWERS and savers need to constantly go on the hunt for better deals to ensure they are getting a good rate.

Airlines’ credit card fees grounded

Airlines’ credit card fees grounded
THOSE nasty credit card fees attached to booking flights have been slashed for jetsetters, resulting in lower travel costs.

Reduce your credit card pain

Reduce your credit card pain
CREDIT card users have little or no restraint when it comes to splashing out on plastic.

Scammers target Aussie online shoppers

Scammers target Aussie online shoppers
AUSSIES love online shopping, which is why cyber scammers have had a field day in the first part of 2017.

Defend your home from rising costs

Defend your home from rising costs
AUSTRALIANS are under attack from rising costs, and the task of defending their household finances requires some tough decisions.

Aussies stash $7.6m an hour

Aussies stash $7.6m an hour
AUSSIES are stashing cash at around $7.6m per hour, despite record low interest rates — and experts say the savings come with consequences.

Health insurance switch target smashed

Health insurance switch target smashed
HEALTH funds have been made very aware that Australians aren’t happy with annual premium hikes, after a people power campaign shot past its target.

Top 11 worst financial decisions

Top 11 worst financial decisions
FROM ordering steak at a restaurant to keeping a credit card, here are the worst financial decisions you can make, according to David Koch.

Cash savers face record worst conditions

Cash savers face record worst conditions
RECORD-low returns on cash products are continuing to cause headaches for savers. Especially those relying on interest for a much-needed boost.

Aussies put health funds on notice

Aussies put health funds on notice
AUSTRALIAN households have rushed to join a health fund switch campaign, as research shows many are unaware how much their premiums rise each year.

How to nail your first home loan

How to nail your first home loan
THESE are the most important steps you need to take to get a home loan application spot on the first time.

Tough truth could save you big

Tough truth could save you big
NOBODY wants to think about one of life’s great inevitabilities, but saving your loved ones thousands of dollars might mean planning your funeral now.

Gen Y clueless on credit cards: research

Gen Y clueless on credit cards: research
MILLENNIALS have been revealed as the most likely to mismanage their credit cards, with some even blowing thousands in interest on their weddings.

Why pet-friendly landlords make more money

Why pet-friendly landlords make more money
LANDLORDS should consider allowing furry friends if they want reliable and grateful tenants and potentially more money.

‘Lazy tax’ reward for loyal customers

‘Lazy tax’ reward for loyal customers
LOYAL Australians are being cheated on by their insurers and financial institutions by getting slugged with a “lazy tax” for sticking with their providers.

Investors stung by complacency

Investors stung by complacency
INVESTORS who have a ‘set and forget’ approach to the properties they own — causing hassles for tenants — may also be costing themselves money in the long run.