Duel Britannia Aussie slumps as Britain heads to polls

Aussie slumps as Britain heads to polls

THE Australian dollar is spiralling towards a seven-month low against the pound after British Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap general election.

Regulator ready APRA: We’re just warming up

APRA: We’re just warming up

APRA chairman Wayne Byres says the banking regulator may take further steps in its efforts to ensure higher-than-normal cautiousness in residential mortgage lending.

Rally cry Plea to Malcolm and Bill: end the policy paralysis

Plea to Malcolm and Bill: end the policy paralysis

THE collective might of corporate Australia has urged Canberra to shake off the “policy paralysis” crippling productivity and prosperity.

Counting down Tick, tock goes the recession clock

Tick, tock goes the recession clock

THE clock is ticking down towards the next global recession, says Peter Taylor, and Australia should take notice. Here’s why.

Jobless shock as part-timers pounded

Jobless shock as part-timers pounded

AUSTRALIA’S unemployment rate has marched up to 5.9 per cent in February on the back of heavy losses among part-time jobs.

Australia’s shock economic result

Australia’s shock economic result
THE Australian economy has had its doomsayers over the past 12 months, with fears we were heading into recession. But these figures tell a different story.

Aussie dollar ‘could hit 80 US cents’

Aussie dollar ‘could hit 80 US cents’
THE Australian dollar could hit 80 US cents, according to a Deutsche Bank Chief Economist who says there is a logical explanation for it.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
AUSTRALIA’S plain packaging tobacco law has been upheld at the World Trade Organization after a five-year legal battle.

Australian market set to open lower

Australian market set to open lower
THE Australian market looks set to open lower despite gains on most major international markets, ahead of the RBA’s statement on monetary policy.

Dollar higher against greenback

Dollar higher against greenback
THE Australian dollar is higher against its US counterpart as the greenback is sold off ahead of expected strong key US jobs figures.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
FACEBOOK will add 3000 people over the next year to monitor reports of inappropriate material and remove videos such as murders and suicides.

Australian market set to open lower

Australian market set to open lower
THE Australian market looks set to open lower, following Wall Street’s negative lead after the US Federal Reserve held interest rates unchanged.

Aussie dollar continues to slide

Aussie dollar continues to slide
THE Australian dollar is more than half a US cent lower against its US counterpart with the local currency a marked underperformer.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
APPLE has reported a surprise fall in iPhone sales, indicating customers held back in anticipation of the 10th-anniversary edition.

Aussie dollar a touch higher

Aussie dollar a touch higher
THE Australian dollar is a touch higher against its US counterpart. At 0635 AEST on Wednesday, the Australian dollar was worth 75.32 US cents.

Australian shares to open flat

Australian shares to open flat
THE Australian market is set to open flat with flat leads from US markets and little in the way of share or economic news to influence investors.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
DONALD Trump is considering breaking up some US banks by resurrecting a Great Depression law that kept consumer and investment banks separate.

Australian market to open higher

Australian market to open higher
THE Australian market looks set to open higher after the Nasdaq reached another record high, but the Dow closed lower on Wall Street.

Aussie dollar sharply higher

Aussie dollar sharply higher
THE Australian dollar is sharply higher against its US counterpart and comfortably back above 75 US cents.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today
TAIWANESE electronics giant Foxconn, maker of Apple iPhones, has announced it’s in talks with the US government to boost investment there.