"Couple with bills and laptop indoors. Please, see more LIFESTYLE images with this FAMILY, some MOTHER'S DAY images and COUPLE alone, for lightbox click the image below."

Stay calm about debt hex

IF you have a HECS debt don’t rush to pay it off. It’s the cheapest loan you’ll ever get and it’ll come out of your salary, writes Barefoot Investor.

BHP is vital to nation’s future

BHP is vital to nation’s future

THE federal government has made two important decisions that are very much in the national interest, writes Terry McCrann.

Jobs push Wall St to record high

Jobs push Wall St to record high

Key US stock indexes have gained, with the S&P 500 ending at a record high close, as energy stocks bounced back along with oil prices and US jobs growth rebounded.

Telstra to keep mobile crown

Telstra to keep mobile crown

COMPETITION tsar Rod Sims has ditched moves to regulate mobile roaming charges in a big victory for Telstra.

How an old gardener achieved real wealth

How an old gardener achieved real wealth

A CHAT with garden guru Peter Cundall was one of the most thought-provoking of Barefoot Investor’s life. What can an old gardener teach about achieving real wealth? Read on.

Breaking News


AAP Markets Report

Movements on overseas markets. Read more


Finance News Update, what you need to know

Finance News Update, what you need to know Read more


TPG a step closer to buying Fairfax papers

Private equity giant TPG Capital has put a proposal to Fairfax to buy its three main newspapers and online property arm Domain. Read more