Latest Issue

Summer 2017, FE #398

Cover, Issue 398, Summer, 2017
(follows Winter 2017 issue)

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Seattle Shooting

A Fascist by Any Other Name
Bill Weinberg

The Struggle to Get Back to Zero
Peter Werbe

Pulling Back the Veil of the Vile
Jesús Sepúlveda

Eat Your President for Breakfast
The Mormyrids

The Russian Revolution Unfinished

1967: Detroit Explodes
FE Staff

Detroit Rebellion 1967
Frank Joyce

Can Vies Squat Defended, Saved
Scorsby and Celíaco

Support Cleveland 4
Amanda Schemkes

Revolted Art Exhibit

Anarchism & Social Security
Eric Laursen

This is Biomorph – Fiction
Gary Ives

Music & Revolution
Luis Chávez

Body Cams & Surveillance
Mateo Pimente

Virtuality & Sociopathy
Bryan Tucker

A Busker’s Adventure
Bill Blank

Surrealism on the Barricades
Ron Sakolsky

Real Humans – Review
Mélusine Vertelune

Not Your Negro – Review
Peter Werbe

Learning from Anarchist History – Review

Texas Anti-Prison Conference

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist
Marius Mason

Emma Goldman Film – Review
Bill Meyer

Prison News

Robb Johnson Box Set
David Rovics


Texas Anti-Prison Conference, June 2-5
International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. See 2017 call here.
NEXT ISSUE: Globalize Solidarity—Mutual Aid against planetary domination.
To find out how you can contribute visit our Call for Submissions page.
Submission deadline: July 1, 2017
50 years ago—we were there
Belle Isle Love-in, Police Riot, April 30, 1967
Read FE coverage HERE
Cover image - Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967 - Fifth Estate Magazine
Read historic Fifth Estate coverage of the 1967 Detroit rebellion, Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967

Check out these SPECIAL OFFERS when you subscribe to our print edition now…

Compendio Poético

by Federico Arcos
Drawing by Alfredo Monrós, Cover
A Bilingual Spanish/English version is online in the FE Archive HERE.

Fifth Estate “Fuck Authority” poster featured in Make Art; Not War.
Fuck Authority

Learn more about the Spanish Revolution of 1936 and the important role of the anarchists….
at Fifth Estate’s Spanish Revolution Resource Page

Enduring Voices: 50 years of the Fifth Estate in 3 minutes–view video here.


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