Notebook 3

Volume #3
Page #9

13-1-30 Stall Market
Edgeware Rd Church St [Edgware Rd Station]
Fine 1PM Rain Very Keen
competetion against me
the Allien. P.C. Hustel me
not even Buss fare
Salvation Army Loddgers jelous
& much Insolence & from
the one eyed member
of its staff. The young
man has repetedly
mark me out to Swank
his [unclear] [unclear-ing]
my Cough is Troubelsum
Feverish The whole of my
Body trimbeling. Yet I
must go out. As there no place to rest.

Volume #3
Page #10

14-1-30 Roman Ford –
Gun St Wentworth St & about
EC Whitechapel. Nothin Good
Fine day. 4PM Rain.
I was pelted with foul
Guts & Paper wads &
rotten fruit missels
they came from the [unclear] &
Frankel the Butcher Shop
by a Russian Salesman
& the manager has many
Times insulted, & also
rufuse to sell me meat.
& also the Cheese Stall
Keeper Maxwell often
times very actively
boycotted me to the would be
Custemer's & Pelted me with
tomato, & other missels.

Volume #3
Page #11

Since the British scheem
of active Slaughter in
Palastine, these Jews have
been very dangeres to me &
often times said they would kill me
for the Arab's wer Killing the Jews
Since the English [planned?] Indian
mutney. England has prepared
to Slaughter of the Indians &
to further her Sheem of Slaughter
it was found that Europe
must be Broken up & Bended to
her will, so England planed &
succeeded the War of 1914.
(for Germany was in her way)
& with the completion of [unclear]
Goverment House her pland
was ready & The Proclamation

Volume #3
Page #12

By Lord Irvin the
British Vice Roy in India
was the understood
plan of attack (Insiting [inciting])
& Waylaing the allready
[unclear] armed Europe.
& the so called Bomb
out Rage of British Vice
Roy in India was
only a British plan
as Similiar as the that
of the for[e] Runners
preaveas [previous] to the whole
sale Slaughter of the
un armed God woshiping
Indian's in 1860
(Indian mutney)

Volume #3
Page #13

Taking all in all the
People wer never so
Niggardly in thought
or habits as the English
those of England. Most
vulger & ignorent & dirty.
Travel through the
country's of Great
Britain & [Iarland?], then
through Asia, you
will never find Susch [such]
Filt & Ignerent &
Barbarick Savages
in India or Asia
Generalley speaking.
Nun Like F.M. CrawShaw
& his Wife to be found
among Asiatics

Volume #3
Page #14

16-1-30 Tuesday
Stratford Stall market.
No competition Dull
trading. Much Insolence
from working men & women
going & coming at dinner
hour I was ordered &
pushed out of a Restarant
& also from a publick
House. So I had to do
without dinner or
a drink. I was again
insulted by a Paultrey
Barrow pushing young
man & he attempted to
push the barrow over me
in corner of Goulsten &
Wentworth St

Volume #3
Page #15

Wednesday 17-1-30
Littel [Carl?] St Seven Dials
Forigne’s Generaly on Sunday V.V.G
But today No peopel & Poor
Trade. I was again for the
third time called a Black Bastard
& threatened with being thrown
out of the Windo. He is a very big
[btd?] & Powerfully Built man
he almost every day Piss the
Bed. & the mattress has been
changed on my Bed. it is that
way I got this cold. A Black
man is not safe even in bed
from the White Schum. I said [unclear]
I was again abused by a young
man in the Wash House for the
2nd time. Once in Bed (one of the

Volume #3
Page #16

I was subjected to assult
& Robbery of my Good's
opposite the London Hospital [Whitechapel Road]
by Jew's & Gentiel young
men, they Generally be
about the coffee Stall.
The Jew young man
known by name as
Rat. Abused me (Black C---)
in Wenworth St & Goulsten
corner, as I was going
Home to my Loddgin
in Middelsex St Army.
Many Buss conducters
would not Stop & abused
me you want Ride in my
Buss. Go Back to your country
& Etc & the Passer's wer highly

Volume #3
Page #17

Thursday 18-1-30
Stall Market at Brixton
Verry sevear Boycott by Stall
Holders & P.C.199W who
told me if he saw me away
from where he bid me he
would Put me in. & he in
hiding watched me, & he
Saw 2 young men
passing me (fish stall) Blagarded
me & threatned me with
a very large Knife (he
was carring a few) saying
& drawing the knife
accros his on throat
you Black Bastard that's
I will do to you all
Becaus I was Trading &
I was the only Black man.

Volume #3
Page #18

Before the P.C. 199W
Threatned me, a Tray
Trader of the Mootcher
Type was talking to the
P.C. 199W & women &
Stall Holder's. Market
Super wiser & many
P.C. Sergent's saw me
& they said nothing. &
I have been refused
A Stand even on payment
& others of the white wer
allowed free.
I saw & Spoke to a Malay
Anglo Indian who wer sent
here to School. (a Boy 12)
he said gleefully they are

Volume #3
Page #19

going to make currey
we in Malay have all
Sort's of nice things to eat
I wish I was back in
(Kollanpotz?). This a
very misarebal & Bad
dirty peopel, and nothing
nice to eat. My father
is a lawer. Then a
Vixen looking old & much
age hag took him away
So I had no time to
Explain the England's
Schum of murder &
Plunder & Slaughter of
women & children.
The boy said the English in
Malay live well. look at them

Volume #3
Page #20

Friday 17-1-30
Bright & Warm day
Burdett Rd Stall Market.
The White Hostiel Nature
very much to the Front.
Few Jeweses Baught.
Dinner in a restaurant
Subjected to much remarks
about Indian's mode of life
& what they did to Indians
& how they treat Indians
by ex soldger's.
2 P.C. Very conversational
(Pumping) & very Boastfull
about England & What India
would be, if it wer not
for England & about the
