Audio/Video/Popular Media

Fuchs, Christian. 2017. When Ads Meet Fascism On YouTube: What The Recent Google-Scandal Tells Us About Big Data Capitalism.
Long version:, March 24, 2017. Article
Short version: Huffington Post, March 28, 2017. Article
Turkish translation: YouTube’da reklamlar faşizmle buluşunca: Yeni Google skandalı bize büyük veri kapitalizmi hakkında ne söylüyor?, March 26, 2017. Link

Interview for an article in the Norwegian newspaper DN: “Medieprofessor om Donald Trump: Minner oss om Orwells «Animal Farm» og «1984»” (Medie professor on Donald Trump: “Reminds us about Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ and ’1984′”. DN (Dagens Næringsliv) , March 6, 2017. Article

Fuchs, Christian. 2017. How the Frankfurt School Helps Us to Understand Donald Trump’s Twitter Populism. The Huffington Post, January 18, 2016.

German version/Deutsche Version: Donald Trumps Schlachtfeld: Der neue US-Präsident nützt Twitter als populistische Waffe. Warum ist er damit so erfolgreich? Der Falter 5/2017, S. 21-23 Link

Interview for the Sky News Report “JFK found a new way to communicate – now Donald Trump has too”. Sky News, January 21, 2017. Link (video report broadcast on January 22, 2017) See also this report and this blog post

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. What The US Presidential Election Result Tells Us About the Failures Of Big Data Analytics And Neoliberalism As Big Data Capitalism. The Huffington Post, November 16, 2016.

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. The Facebook/Admiral Scandal Shows The Limits And Dangers Of Big Data Capitalism. The Huffington Post, November 4, 2016.

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. Legal Struggles in the Age of Uber-Capitalism: Are Uber-Drivers Workers or Self-Employed? The Huffington Post, November 1, 2016.

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. User-Generated Ideology on Social Media: A New Study Shows How Users Oppose and Support Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter. The Huffington Post, October 20, 2016.

Video of the launch talk of Christian Fuchs’ book “Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet”. University of Westminster. October 12, 2016, The talk introduces the book – Watch it on Vimeo

Article on that introduces Christian Fuchs’ study “Racism, Nationalism and Right-Wing Extremism Online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook”. Published on

Conversation with Simon Lindgren about digital sociology, social media and theorising the Internet. YouTube

Article (in German): Es gibt kein “mit Heidegger”: Alfred J. Nolls Buch über Heidegger nach den “Schwarzen Heften” zeigt: Dieser “rechte Werkmeister” ist endgültig gestorben. Junge Welt, August 12, 2016. Artikel

Interview in French: Internet et lutte des classes. Période, July 25, 2016.

TV interview in German: Medienquartett: Medien und Marxismus: Digitale Ökonomie der Medien. Okto TV, June 21, 2016.
(printed version: Der Falter, 27a/2016, S. 28-33. PDF)

Fuchs, Christian. 2016. Capitalism Today: The Austrian Presidential Election and the State of the Right and the Left in Europe. LSE Euro Crisis in the Press-blog:

Interview with Christian Fuchs on the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) Ö1 radio show Digital Leben (Digital Life): “Öffentlich-rechtliches YouTube? Überlegungen zu alternativen sozialen Netzwerken” (Public service YouTube? Reflections on alternative social networks). Broadcast on June 8, 2016.  Link Audio

Interview: “Ein europäisches Facebook wird es nie geben”. Futurezone, June 17, 2016.

Interview in the Portugese newspaper Publico: “A Europa tem que começar a fazer empresas como a Google e o Facebook pagar impostos” (“Europe has to start making companies like Google and Facebook pay taxes”). Publico, June 3, 2016. Link

Article in the Conversation: Fuchs, Christian. 2016. Bosses’ right to snoop on staff emails is an invastion of privacy and ignores the way we work. The Conversation, January 15, 2016. Link
Republished in: New Statesman Online. January 15, 2016. Link

Article in The Conversation: Fuchs, Christian. 2016. Expanding tweets from 140 characters to 10,000? Not nearly radical enough. The Conversation, January 7, 2016. Link
German version: Antikapitalistische Entschleunigung. Twitter will sein Zeichenlimit von 140 auf 10.000 erhöhen. Statt ­dessen braucht es ­nichtkommerzielle »soziale Medien« [Anti-capitalist deceleration: Twitter wants to increase its character limit from 140 to 10,000. But we need non-commercial “social media”]. Junge Welt, January 30, 2016. Link

Interview for: From Obama to ‘troll farms’: how social media is changing politics. Financial Times, January 20, 2016. Link

Article (in German): Am Beispiel Jeremy Corbyns: Ideologie und politische Kampagnen im Zeitalter “sozialer Medien” [The example of Jeremy Corbyn: Ideology and political campaigns in the age of “social media”]. Junge Welt, November 14, 2015. Link

Comment, in: Global brands join tributes to popstar Prince. CNBC Online, April 22, 2016. Link

Interview: “US Konzerne dominieren Europas Internet”. In: Der Falter 9/2016. Link

Interview about digital labour published in the journal Alternate Routes Vol. 27 (2016) PDF

Talk on "New Cultural Materialism" at the symposium "New Materialism: Politics, Aesthetics, Science". March 10, 2016. Link (23min45sec -38min02sec)

Interview for an article in Tiroler Tageszeitung "Ein von Hass verzerrter Spiegel der Gesellschaft" [A mirror of society distorted by hatred], Tiroler Tageszeitung, June 22, 2016. Link


Report: Linker Professor fordert öffentlich-rechtliches YouTube [Left-wing professor demands a public service YouTube]. Macwelt, June 17, 2016. Link

Digital Commons and Digital Capitalism. Online talk at the 4th International e-Life Congress.  Athens, Greece. November 6-7, 2015. Video

Critically Theorising Communication Labour. Invited keynote talk at the Labour and Communication (LaborComm) 2015 Conference. May 10, 2015. Ankara, Turkey. Video

New Books in Critical Theory: Dave O'Brien's interview with Christian Fuchs about the book "Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media" Audio

Interview: Ö1 [Austrian Broadcasting Company] Matrix - Computer und neue Medien: Die Nachfahren der Maschinenstürmer: Was halt die Gesellschaft ihren Apparaten entgegen? Ö1, June 21, 2015 [in German] Audio

Interview for "Drugi Format" - broadcast on May 18, 2015, on Croation public service television HRT. Video

"Union campaigning in the social media and advertising age: Perspectives for a digital labour union": Contribution to the Immaterial Labor Union Zine #2 "Advertisement on social media". Link

Interview for: "Election 2015: The 'alternative' social networks being used to win over voters". BBC Online, April 12, 2015. Article

Elihu Katz Colloquium: Raymond Williams, Herbert Marcuse and Dallas Smythe in the Age of Social Media. Invited lecture. Annenberg School for Communication. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. January 23, 2015. Video
= Launch of Christian Fuchs' book "Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media" (see also another version of this talk at Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, May 9, 2015:  Version 2

Krise, Kommunikation, Kapitalismus. Für eine kritische politische Ökonomie der Medien und des Internets im Zeitalter von Apple, Facebook, Google und Twitter. Luxemburg Lecture. Betahaus, Berlin. December 12, 2014. Invited talk. Organiser: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS). Video
Grafisches Protokoll (erstellt von 123comics). Publizierte Version

Internet, Kapitalismus und periphere Entwicklung im Waldviertel. Talk at the “Volksuniversität Andreas Schremser – Waldviertel: Woher? Wohin? Wirtschaft – Wohlstand – Wissen“. Waidhofen an der Thaya, Austria. August 2, 2014. Organised by Verkehrsforum Waldviertel. Video (German)
Corresponding journal article:
English version: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Internet, capitalism, and peripheral development in the Waldviertel. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 7 (2): 74-100. PDF
German version: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Internet, Kapitalismus und periphere Entwicklung im Waldviertel. Momentum Quarterly – Zeitschrift für sozialen Fortschritt (Journal for Societal Progress) 4 (1): 42-69. PDF

Interview in Portugese conducted by Roseli Figaro. 2015. Atualidade de Marx para entender o trabalho na comunicação e na cultura [The Topicality of Marx for Understanding Communication and Cultural Labour]. Revista Electrônica Internacional de Economia Política da Informação da Communição e da Cultura 17 (1): 67-75. PDF

Article in the newspaper Junge Welt [in German]: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Keine einfache Lösung: Die Diskussion über das Urheberrecht verweist auf Schwierigkeiten linker Kultur- und Medienpolitik im digitalen Kapitalismus.  Junge Welt, April 25, 2015. html

Article in the newspaper Junge Welt [in German]: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Digitale Strategiefragen: Astra Taylors Vorschlägen für eine alternative Netzpolitik fehlt eine schlüssige Konzeption.  Junge Welt, February 5, 2015. html

Article in the newspaper Junge Welt [in German]: Roboter Mensch? Thomas Wagners neues Buch dekonstruiert die Ideologien der "Robokratie" Junge Welt, April 13, 2015. html

Fuchs, Christian. 2015. OccupyMedia! Social Media in Times of Capitalist Crisis and Political Change. Talk at the "Researching (with) Social Media"-Reading Group. University of Cambridge – Department of Sociology. February 2, 2015. Video

Interview with CBC Spark about Digital Labour. Audio

Video interview with Christian Fuchs and Karl Marx, by Daniel Cardoso, at the ECREA 2014 conference Video

Article in the newspaper Junge Welt [in German]: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Digitale Klassengesellschaft: Ausbeutung, Ideologie und Widerstand im Zeitalter sozialer Medien. Junge Welt, January 10, 2015. html

Audio of Christian Fuchs' introduction to the Book Colloquium that focused on "Social Media: A Critical Introduction" at the Univ. of Oxford on October 9, 2014.

Christian Fuchs: Theorising Digital Labour. A Cultural-Materialist Perspective. Talk at the COST Conference "The Dynamics of Virtual Work: The Transformation of Labour in a Digital Global Economy". University of Hertfordshire. September 4, 2014. Video The talk is related to this article and this book.

Interview about studying the political economy of the media, the Internet and digital labour HTML

Christian Fuchs: The Digital Labour Theory of Value and Karl Marx in the Age of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Weibo. Talk at the COST Action "Dynamic of Virtual Work"'s Workshop "The Labour Theory of Value in the Digital Age". The Open University of Israel. June 16, 2014. Video

Video of Christian Fuchs' inaugural lecture "Social media and the public sphere" (Univ. of Westminster. February 19, 2014).
Fuchs, Christian. 2014. Social media and the public sphere [Inaugural Lecture]. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (1): 57-101. PDF Video version
Portugese translation: Fuchs, Christian. 2015. Mídias Sociais e a Esfera Pública. Revista Contracampo 34 (3): 5-80. PDF
Short summary version in Spanish: Fuchs, Christian. 2014. Medios sociales y esfera pública. Telos – Revista de Pensamiento sobre Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad 98: 71-82. PDF

Christian Fuchs: Social Media, the Internet, (Un-)Freedom and the Public Sphere in Times of Crisis. Talk at the Conference "Freedom of Information under Pressure: Control - Crisis - Culture". Vienna University of Technology. March 1, 2014. Video

Panel discussion (Christian Fuchs, Jonathan Hardy, Anthony Barnett) about Glenn Greenwald's lecture at the University of East London's Centre for Cultural Studies Research. May 14, 2014. Audio

Jinshuang Zhao produced a video about Christian Fuchs’ book “Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age”

Ö1-Digital Leben (March 4, 2014): Report on the 2014 Vienna conference "Freedom of Information under Pressure: Contro - Crisis - Culture" Audio

Online lecture "The public sphere and its transformation" Video

Video lecture "Communication power and social media" Video

Video tutorial: How to edit a Wikipedia article? Video

Interview for ORF1 Ö1-Matrix "10 Jahre Facebook" (in German) Audio

Toby Miller's Cultural Studies Podcast: A Conversation between Christian Fuchs and Toby Miller about Marxism, Communications, and Digital Labour. Audio

Christian Fuchs on Chinese Radio International (CRI)'s programme "People in the Know". March 25, 2011. How does the Internet impact everyday life communication? Does Internet use result in more community-building, socialization and a richer social life or in less community involvement, in isolation, alienation and the collapse of social life? Audio







































Christian Fuchs: Prolegomena to the study of media and communication in the information society. Inauguration lecture for the chair in media and communication studies. Uppsala University, Sweden, November 18, 2010. VideoPresentation (Powerpoint)

TV4 (Sweden): Första professorn i sociala medier [First professor in social media]. Video November 8, 2010. Video (in Swedish)

Salzburg TV: Christian Fuchs in TV Debate on "Opportunities and Risks of Social Networking Sites" Video, January 29, 2009, Video (in German)

Video: Christian Fuchs: Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet. Talk at the 1st World Forum of the International Sociological Association, September 6, 2008, Barcelona. (Part 1 Video) (Part 2 Video)

Interview with Christian Fuchs on ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Company) Mittagsjournal, June 3rd, 2006; Topic: "The WWW becomes Political" (in German)
Audio File (MP3)
Story (html)

Short Interview for a Feature on "Internet as Social Medium", Uni Radio Salzburg (broadcast on ORF Salzburg, January 2007, in German) Audio File (MP3)

Contribution at a Debate on the Causes of Plagiarism at University, Public Discussion at the University of Salzburg, November 7th, 2006 Video File: (Low Quality) (Medium Quality) (High Quality)

Short Interview for a TV Feature on Social Software and Studivz (=Social Networking Platform for Students) (June 2007, in German) Video File: (Low Quality) (Medium Quality) (High Quality)











































































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