Be blown away by teen's awesome rendition of 'Thunderstruck'

Teen guitarist Liu Jiazhuo is being hailed as a prodigy, after a video of him playing 'Thunderstruck' went viral in China.
Teen guitarist Liu Jiazhuo is being hailed as a prodigy, after a video of him playing 'Thunderstruck' went viral in China. Photo: Supplied

When a child excels at what they do, it makes us all glad to witness the fruits of their hard work and tenacity. For some it's sport and for others it's academics. For one young man, it's most definitely music; more specifically, the guitar. 

13-year-old Liu Jiazhuo has done what many adult musicians have struggled with. He has mastered the art of a difficult AC/DC guitar riff in very fine form, showing his talent in a video posted on social media of his acoustic cover of AC/DC's song, 'Thunderstruck'.

Holding his own against one of the finest rock guitarists in the world, Angus Young, Liu's performance has gone viral in China after the video was discovered on a Chinese video streaming platform.

According to Mashable, Liu is from Gansu, a remote province of Western China, and his Thunderstuck video enthralled many after musician Gao Xiaosong, director of Alibaba Music, shared it on Weibo ( Wikipedia describes it as 'a hybrid of Twitter and Facebook').
The style is reportedly one made famous by Italian acoustic guitarist, Luca Stricagnoli, so it could be said it's a cover of a cover. Either way, young Liu is being heralded as a prodigy in his home country, and we're inclined to agree. 
See more of Liu's wonderful playing on his new YouTube channel.