General Defense Committee
Central Secretary-Treasurer of the GDC
PO Box 15573 Pittsburgh, PA 15244
GDC Resources
- Official Bylaws of the GDC
- GDC tri-fold pamphlet for distribution
- GDC 1-page membership application
- GDC Delegate Application
- GDC Delegate Report Form
- GDC Delegate Clearance Form
- GDC Local Charter Application
- Local Secretary-Treasurer Report Form
- GDC Petition Form
How You Can Help the IWW General Defense Committee:
- Join the GDC.
- Pay Your GDC Dues Online.
- Start your own GDC Local or International GDC Group by contacting gdc [at]
GDC Locals are listed throughout our Branches Page among IWW General Membership and Industrial Union Branches.
The aims of this organization shall be to provide defense and relief to members of the working class who are being persecuted for their activity in the class struggle.
Coordinating our efforts will enable the General Defense Committee to oppose the vicious onslaught of the master class with a powerful defense, especially when labor is engaged in industrial strife.
It has been found in past labor struggles that the lack of adequate defense has resulted in many of the most active fighters for labor being arrested and imprisoned for long periods of time or being legally murdered by the employing class.
It shall be the purpose of the General Defense Committee to aid those who find themselves persecuted by the powers that be in their struggle for justice and freedom.
It shall also be the purpose of the General Defense Committee to publish and distribute literature exposing the false and reactionary propaganda of the master class.
By organizing the many and centralizing their efforts in each instance, labor will be given the protection of the entire working class, thereby making an injury to one the concern of all.
The GDC of the IWW wants most to provide support to any member of the working class who finds themselves in legal trouble due to their involvement in the class war.
Any member of the IWW or GDC in good standing may petition the GDC for direct aid in their legal defense on charges resulting from protests, picketing, or other acts related to job action or activist causes. This aid may include bail, bond, or legal aid, and may take the form of a grant or a no interest loan. Members may also rest assured of solidarity from the organization, including motions of support, letters writing, and public education as to the case (or cases) in question.
Non-members of the IWW or GDC who find themselves embattled with the law may also expect solidarity from the organization, including motions of support, letters writing, and public education as to the case (or cases) in question.
IWW Sites
- Workers' Memorial Day (April 28) - We never Forget!
- In November we Remember! - Historical Gallery of Wobbly Martyrs (Old Site).
- An Open letter to the FBI - by Arthur Miller in defense of Leonard Peltier.