Federal Politics

Morrison says housing 'scalpel' already working

Treasurer Scott Morrison says the government's scalpel approach to housing affordability has been working.

Treasurer Scott Morrison has seized on a new report that shows house prices in Sydney and Melbourne are slowing to claim regulatory measures to easy Australia's housing affordability crisis are working.

National student Libs leader weighs into sexism row

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - APRIL 08: Who, Liberal Party faithful unite at the North's Club Cammeray to await Local Candidate ...

A Melbourne University Liberal Club president who told a female member she shouldn't come to a club event because some men might feel "a bit uncomfortable" was talking "rubbish", says a spokesman for the national body for Liberal students.

Trump warns of 'major, major' conflict with North Korea

US President Donald Trump says a major conflict may break out with North Korea.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says he sees no immediate need for Australia to develop a missile defence shield against threats such as North Korea, as US President Donald Trump warned of the possibility of "major, major" conflict with the rogue nation.

Westpac branded as 'wimps' over coal pledge

Westpac announced its new investment policy last week.

Westpac's decision to effectively rule out lending to the proposed giant Adani coal mine in Queensland has drawn praise from environmentalists but derision from the government and industry.

Google admits the ATO is chasing it for money

Google Australia's tax bill has risen but it's still not counting $2.5 billion in advertising revenue.

Google Australia has confirmed for the first time ever that it has been hit with an amended tax bill by the ATO following audits of its affairs and that "the company will lodge an objection".