Lisa MartinAustralian Associated Press

The Turnbull government will launch a crackdown on betting advertising during live sporting coverage as part of a package of sweeping media reforms, but anti-gambling campaigners say the move doesn't go far enough.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Australian parents will be delighted there will be no more gambling ads during football matches, cricket matches and live sporting events before 8.30pm.

The new restriction will ban gambling ads from five minutes before the commencement of play until five minutes after the conclusion of play or 8.30pm, whichever comes sooner.

Existing exemptions for the racing industry and lotteries will remain.

Anti-gambling campaigner and Senate crossbencher Nick Xenophon said the measure was a good first step.

"It's not the end of the story in terms of gambling reform," he told AAP on Saturday.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie echoed his comments.

"We know that children are especially susceptible to advertising and hero worship and that gambling advertising has a real and measurable impact on the children who are subjected to it,'' Mr Wilkie said.

Responsible Wagering Australia, a group representing some of the biggest wagering companies, described the restrictions as "sensible".

Struggling television broadcasters are celebrating after securing some financial relief.

They've had their broadcasting licence fees and datacasting charges abolished which saves $130 million but instead, they will pay new annual spectrum fees estimated to raise around $40 million.

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield said licence fees, which are revenue based, were introduced when broadcasters could generate significant profits due to their exclusive access to mass audiences.

"In today's media environment, licence fees are a relic of a bygone age of regulation," he said.

Nine chief executive Hugh Marks urged the parliament to pass the media reform package in its entirety.

Seven West Media chairman Kerry Stokes also backed the changes.

"It will give us a real opportunity to compete in the new media environment," he said.

The package also includes changes to Australia's anti-siphoning regime to reduce the size of the list.

The scheme stops pay TV broadcasters from buying the rights to sports events on the anti-siphoning list before free-to-air broadcasters have the opportunity to purchase the rights.

The government will also spend $30 million over four years to encourage subscription television to increase coverage of women's sport and niche sports.

Senator Fifield also confirmed the government will push ahead with plans to scrap the two-out-of-three rule that prevents a company controlling more than two of three radio, television and newspapers in an area.

It will also aim to axe the rule which prohibits a proprietor from controlling a TV licence that reaches more than 75 per cent of the population.

Children's and Australian content will also undergo a review.

The opposition is waiting to see the detail on the full package before it announced whether it would support it.

"We want to see a diversity of voices in the Australian media and we know the economics of journalism have changed a great deal," Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek told reporters.