Biggest ‘roo you are likely to come across.

NSW Department of Primary Industries worker Peter Teasdale has come across a lot of kangaroos while out working in the scrub, but never one this big.

Biggest kangaroo Peter Teasdale has come across.

Biggest kangaroo Peter Teasdale has come across.Source:The Daily Telegraph

“I’ve worked in a lot of national parks and come across a lot of ‘roos out here in the scrub, but this is the biggest I’ve ever seen,” he said.

“He wasn’t aggressive, but he was asserting his dominance by standing up tall.”

Mr Teasdale said his strategy for avoiding being dragged into a man versus beast fight was to make himself small

“You make yourself smaller so they don’t feel threatened,” he said.

Originally published as Strewth! ‘Biggest kangaroo’ in the Outback