A Good One From Olbermann: If He Were Doing Any Other Job, Donald Trump Would Have Been Fired by Now

His behavior isn’t fit for running a middle school lunchroom let alone the oval office
138William Lewis
6 hours, 38 minutes ago
I need another feline overlord. I note my local shelter has much lower fees for older kitties - I may just have to do something about this in the near future.

Yes, Folks, It’s Another Unhinged, Self-Defeating Rage-Tweeting Binge From Our So-Called President

He’s losing his already tenuous grasp on reality
319retired cynic
6 hours, 40 minutes ago
re: #282 Charles Johnson He sure loves sitting at that desk and making a bunch of people in suits stand around him, smile and clap. Jerk.

CNN: Comey Will Testify That Trump Pressured Him to End FBI Investigation Into His Russia Ties

Obstruction of justice, here we come
5 days, 5 hours ago
re: #33 HappyWarrior Or health care? If everything is in God's hands and reflects God's will, why do fundamentalists need doctors or medicine or hospitals? They should just pray and whatever happens is all part of God's plan.

New From Olbermann: Shouldn’t Jared Kushner Be Arrested?

There’s no reason Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner would ever need a covert, spy-proof line to the Kremlin. Is there?
6 days, 5 hours ago
re: #280 Barefoot Grin The article is worth read in its entirety, especially for the political and economic background it provides. In a nutshell, the Party is very worried about the state of the Chinese economy, which has been slowing ...