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I have a column in today’s International Business Times: Unchecked Surveillance Technology Is Leading Us Towards Totalitarianism, where I discuss this week’s NYPL event with Edward Snowden and how mass surveillance connects to the themes in my novel Walkaway.


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On Sunday, I’ll be appearing at Chicago’s Volumes Books with Max “Cards Against Humanity” Temkin, as part of the Walkaway tour (which includes stops tonight in Chapel Hill at Flyleaf Books with Mur Lafferty; tomorrow in Cincinnati at Joseph Beth; and more dates in Winnipeg, Denver, Austin, Houston, Scottsdale/Phoenix, San Diego, Portland, Seattle, Bellingham, Vancouver and Burbank, before I head to the UK).

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My latest Locus Magazine column is Weaponized Narrative, about the pulp fiction convention of mashing up “man against nature” stories with “man against man” stories to tell “man against nature stories” (first the tornado smashes your house, then your neighbors come over to eat you).

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I’m in New York City today for the Walkaway tour and the event — an onstage conversation with Edward Snowden — is sold out (you can watch the livestream free, starting 7PM eastern), but there’s still space at my upcoming events.

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I’m on the US tour for my new novel Walkaway (I’ll be at DC’s Politics and Prose tonight), and tomorrow, I’m doing a sold-out appearance with Edward Snowden onstage at the New York Public Library; although the event is packed, I’ve just learned that there will be a free livestream starting at 7PM Eastern.

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My US/Canadian tour for my novel Walkaway continues tomorrow with a 7PM event at Politics & Prose; I’m in NYC the next night (with Edward Snowden) and it’s sold out but you might be able to get some rush tickets; then on to Fountain Books in Richmond, VA; then Flyleaf in Chapel Hill.