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Young women charged with alleged attempted break-in at police officer's home

Phil Hickey

Published: May 5 2017 - 7:52AM

If you are ever silly enough in the first place to try and break into someone else's house and steal their car, it's probably best you don't target a police officer.

Three young women from WA's Kimberley region are now learning this lesson the hard way.

The trio have been charged with attempting to break into a Kununurra forensic police officer's home and car late at night.

The women were rounded up late last month after police said forensic evidence linking them to the crime scene allegedly came back as a match.

Kununurra police Senior Sergeant Steve Principe said it will be alleged the three, who are all teenagers, approached the officer's home between 11 and 11.30pm on April 25.

The officer was sleeping in the house at the time.

"He heard noises outside the side of his house, he went to have a look and saw three people run past his laundry door," Sen-Sgt Principe said.

"He went to check outside and discovered his car had been forced open...it appears they had been trying to hot wire the car.

"We did a forensic analysis of his side laundry door and got some prints from it."

Sen-Sgt Principe said it will be alleged the prints matched the three young women, who were later arrested over a separate incident on the same night, during which a moped was stolen and torched.

"They denied it when they were interviewed, but then the forensics came back and that put them at the house," he said.

"We just want them to pull their heads in and be in bed at that time of night, instead of just roaming the streets."

Officers at the Kununurra police station saw the funny side to the incident by tweeting this picture from the hit animated comedy show South Park.

Three charged with attempting to break into the local forensic officers house. #fingerprintHIT #breakinsarebadMkayyyy #fb pic.twitter.com/7UhTKWkcOQ

— Kununurra Police (@KununurraPol) April 28, 2017

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/content/adaptive/watoday/wa-news/young-women-charged-with-alleged-attempted-breakin-at-police-officers-home-20170504-gvyuhb.html