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'It's a disgrace': Scarborough businesses slam bail-out plan

Emma Young and Hannah Barry

Published: May 5 2017 - 1:02PM

Scarborough businesses have been offered a lifeline by the State Government as they continue their struggle against the foreshore redevelopment but have called the planned disruption payment scheme a "disgrace".

Planning minister Rita Saffioti told 6PR's Morning Show the department had put together an emergency contingency plan when it was found the outgoing government had no scheme in place to bail out struggling businesses.

"We inherited a process that had no mechanism in place to support local businesses and we had to develop this process from scratch - the previous minister failed to address this issue," she said.

"What we've done is work through a package that relates to how much land tax some of these small businesses are paying and offering a rebate up to 50 per cent of that land tax for this year.

"I've also written to the mayor of the City of Stirling and have asked for some concessions in relation to the rates as well.

"And of course, as well, we've approached some of the land owners to see what can be done. This really is a disruption allowance; it's recognising these works are impacting the businesses."

The one-off disruption payment for Scarborough businesses is capped at 50 per cent of the land tax payable for the year, and will be offered to all traders who experienced a financial loss during the foreshore works.

However, local business owners have criticised the payment for failing to address the millions lost by some businesses, and failing to reflect the real needs of struggling businesses.

BOHO Espresso owner Donny Collins said his business had been the first casualty due to the redevelopment project, but it remained unclear as to whether he could even access the disruption payment - because he was forced out of his coffee shop months ago.

"At this stage we are closed due to the redevelopment, because of the cost to the business. We were the first casualty, so it was far too little, too late for us.

"Unfortunately the amount that they're offering- around $8000- isn't even close to how much we've lost.

"Over the last year, we lost nearly $160,000... and now I've had to seek legal advice to see if I'm even eligible for the payment.

"It's very disappointing... [this payment] is nothing at all to these beachfront businesses."

Sandbar owner Ben Randall echoed Mr Collin's statements on the 6PR Morning Show on Friday, and said the payment "barely scratched the surface".

"It's capped at 50 per cent of the land tax payable. We paid just under $31,000 last year, so, from that, it's around $15,000 dollars made available," he said.

"To be honest, [that's] absolutely nothing. I know that might sound like a lot of money to some, but when you've got a business - we have about 35 employees and rely on day-to-day trade - it honestly doesn't even scratch the surface. I know that the other business owners down here are bitterly disappointed since the announcement.

"The worst thing is we've got land tax due in another two months on June 30 - which Rita fully understands - we've got to pay double in two months. It's a disgrace. Why are they giving us one year of relief when it's a two year project? It's bitterly disappointing."

Wild Fig owner Chris Burke told 6PR the restaurant had lost nearly $1 million over the last financial year, and had been offered a disruption payment totalling $440.86.

"If Rita's team came down and had dinner at our venue it would be worth more to us than that," he said.

"We've done everything that we can possibly do on our end, begging and borrowing from the bank, and doing whatever we can to make it through. 

"We had high hopes there was going to be something positive done, and to say that this is a kick in the guts today is an understatement.

"We've been vocal enough, approachable enough, and we've been chasing everybody for months now. So to not get asked what would help and not have any understanding of where we're at or what we need... it just doesn't add up."

Ms Saffioti said while the department had acted as quickly as possible to develop an 'equitable form of support' for Scarborough traders, it would now work towards developing a future mechanism to use when local businesses found themselves in the middle of planned MRA projects.

"I understand it's probably not as much as people were expecting, or people wanted," she said.

"But we were starting from scratch, there was nothing prepared or done by the previous government. We have tried to work quickly, including working with the treasury and state solicitors in what is possible.

"I have committed to... develop a mechanism to reflect the fact that there is sometimes significant disruption and significant impact on small business' cash flow for a period of time [during MRA projects]."

The state government also announced it will fulfil its election promise to can the controversial extension to Scarborough's Esplanade.

Ms Saffiotti said funding for the roadworks would instead go towards "a more integrated approach to people and traffic movement in the Scarborough area".

Most of the $5.2 million would be reallocated to improving traffic flow along West Coast Highway, beach entry and exit points, and extra public beachfront parking.

"I have been briefed by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority on the Scarborough Master Plan, in particular the history and intent of the proposed road extensions and the community support for and against this solution," Ms Saffioti said in a statement.

"There needs to be considerable planning into more appropriate solutions and I have asked the MRA to work with relevant stakeholders to explore ways to enhance the existing local traffic network."

The Beach not Bitumen community group that led a protracted and vigorous campaign against the road extensions was "delighted".

"This is the right decision for the Scarborough redevelopment, in so many ways," spokesman Anthony James said.

"It maintains the best of both worlds, with the central hub of high activity and the spectacular natural environment adjoining it. This is what both locals and tourists love about Scarborough.

"The protected sand dune reserves are also environmentally significant sites, so it is important they remain for future generations.

"Eight months of Beach not Bitumen, and over two years of campaigning prior to that, is testament to the people that care for Scarborough.

"Thanks to the thousands of people who backed the campaign in whatever ways they could, from wherever they were. We're talking about people from all walks, right across Perth and beyond, supporting the campaign with their feet, talking to people, covering it in the media, creating and putting up signs, backing petitions, and raising money.

"Thanks also to the ALP and the Greens for backing the campaign from the get go, and to the ALP for delivering on their promise today.

"We are now looking forward to the development of a sustainable transport and access plan for the Scarborough beachfront."

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/content/adaptive/watoday/wa-news/government-cans-scarborough-esplanade-extension-20170505-gvz2jh.html