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Who We Are

The Embassy of Colombia in Washington, DC, represents the Colombian government in the United States. The Embassy serves as a bridge between both nations and helps to advance the longstanding bilateral relationship.

The Embassy maintains an ongoing dialogue with the U.S. Government, Congress, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and universities, on a wide range of issues on the bilateral agenda. These range from broadening Colombia-U.S. commercial relations to seeking new forms of cooperation on matters of interest to both nations, including:
  • Economic development and trade;
  • Hemispheric security;
  • The fight against international drug trafficking;
  • Anti-terrorism initiatives;
  • Preservation of biodiversity and environmental protection;
  • Clean energy diversification;
  • Science and technology;
  • Educational and vocational training;
  • Racial and ethnic equality; and
  • Cultural affairs.
The Embassy has three key objectives:
  • Diversifying the bilateral agenda;
  • Advancing the bilateral alliance; and 
  • Promoting Colombia’s national interests.

Contact Us

1724 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-387-8338
Fax: 202-232 8643
Email: embassyofcolombia@colombiaemb,org
Business Hours: 
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Trade Bureau

1724 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Tel: 202-887-9000