Fabric + Firebase: Building momentum together

By Rich Paret, GM, Fabric

Fabric + Firebase: Building Momentum Together

It’s been an exciting four months since we joined Google to work alongside our friends at Firebase. We teamed up for two reasons: 1) By joining forces, we can combine our unique strengths and give you access to better tools and infrastructure. 2) We’re driven by the same mission, to help teams build apps, understand their users, and grow their business.  

So, what have we been up to in our new home, with our new teammates?

Continuing to improve Fabric

As always, our customers are our top priority. Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work shipping awesome improvements for Fabric. For example, we recently introduced the new Fabric dashboard to align your app’s data with your top goals. We also made it easier to monitor retention in Fabric, added new sharing functionality to Fabric’s iOS and Android app, and launched a beta version of crash insights. Insights surfaces underlying problems causing your crashes and gives you resources to solve them faster. Plus, we traveled all over the world to show you how to supercharge your app release process with fastlane.

Integrating with Firebase

Many of you have asked us how the integration with Firebase is going. The short answer is: it’s going great! We’re learning a ton from each other and we’re marching towards the same goal, which is to bring the best of our platforms together, in a thoughtful and seamless way.

Today, you can start to see some of the fruits of this labor. We’re going to make Crashlytics the flagship stability solution for Firebase, so if you don’t already use it, we recommend installing it and checking it out. In addition, Digits is being upgraded to Firebase phone authentication, which is the next evolution of phone number identity and authentication.

Better together

Fabric and Firebase are stronger together, so we encourage you to use both of our platforms. In due time, we’ll bridge the gap and give you one place to build, understand, and grow your app.

We’re working on solving the biggest mobile challenges so you have more time to innovate and do what you love.

You can count on us to make app success simple.

Join us at I/O and WWDC

As we go forward, fueled by the same mission, we also want to celebrate with our passionate community.

If you’re at I/O, join us on May 18th at 10:30 am PST for a fireside chat with myself (Rich Paret, GM, Fabric), Andrew Lee (Co-founder, Firebase), and Jason Titus (VP of Engineering, Google Developer Platform) as we discuss joining Google, recent launches, and talk more about what’s next. Throughout I/O, we’ll also be hanging out at the sandbox area - ready to listen to your feedback and answer any questions you have.

Next month, we’re co-hosting a party with Firebase at WWDC and we’d love to see you there. Request an invite on our event website.

Come say hello, we can’t wait to see you!


Announcing the Firebase + Fabric party at WWDC17

by Brian Lynn, Product Marketing Manager

Heading to WWDC this year? Join us at the Fabric + Firebase party on June 5th as we celebrate with the top iOS developers from around the world. 

For those of you who attended past Fabric parties, you’ll feel right at home at this year’s event. You can expect the same amazing experience - co-hosted by our teammates at Firebase who’re also deeply passionate about mobile development. If this is your first time at WWDC, join us for a night to mingle with other developers, showcase your latest app, or whatever strikes your mood.

We can’t wait to see you and toast to another exciting summer of mobile development. Request your invite today!

  • When: June 5, 2017

  • Time: 8:00-11:00 p.m.

  • Where: Forager Tasting Room & Eatery

  • Price: Free

(act quickly - tickets are limited!)

How to monitor your app retention in Fabric

By Shobhit Chugh, Product Manager


A common misconception in the mobile world is that number of app downloads is the strongest indicator of success. But what if you have a ton of users, yet they rarely interact with your app? What if people download your app and then churn the next day? Looking at your total number of app users or installs in isolation doesn’t paint an accurate picture of your app’s health - you also need to pay attention to retention. Retention helps you understand how often people return to your app. It’s important to measure retention because if your hard-earned users aren’t sticking around and regularly engaging with your app, you cannot build a sustainable mobile business.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to track your retention over time through Fabric’s new retention page (which is part of our new dashboard).


Measuring retention from three angles

To give you a holistic view of how strong your app retention is, we focus on three things: active users, activity segments, and new user retention.

Let’s review how each angle helps you better understand retention.

1. Fluctuations in active users

The first sign of how well you’re retaining users is the number of active users you have on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis - and if these numbers are trending up or down over time.

When you navigate to the retention page, you’ll see these metrics in the top two graphs:

  • Daily active users (DAUs - how many people have had at least one session with your app today)

  • Weekly active users (WAUs - how many people have had at least one session with your app in the last seven days)

  • Monthly active users (MAUs - how many people have had at least one session with your app in the last 30 days)

The pulsating DAUs graph gives you real-time insight into how many people have used your app so far today, compared to this time last week. The second graph provides an additional lens by highlighting changes in weekly and monthly active users.

Steady, consistent growth in active users is a good signal that your retention is strong.


2. Changes in activity segments

The middle section of the retention page is centered around activity segments. Based on session data, activity segments groups users into buckets, ranging from inactive users (people who have not launched your app in more than a week) all the way to high activity users (people who have used your app almost every single day in the past seven days).

Activity segments provide a deeper look at your retention by revealing how engaged your active users are, how many are at risk of abandoning your app, and how people flow from one segment to another.

This graph can tell you a few interesting things about retention. First off, look at how people are transitioning between states. For example, if you see a large and healthy flow of users moving from “low activity” to “medium or high activity”, their engagement level is changing in a positive way - meaning that retention is improving.

Another interesting thing to monitor is the correlation between the number of new users and the growth in each segment. For instance, if you’re earning thousands of new users every week, but you’re only seeing a corresponding bump in the low activity segment - this means your new users are not deeply committed to your app. In this case, consider improving your onboarding flow to showcase the value of your app to new users.

Pro Tip: Move the slider at the bottom of this graph to see your activity segments at different times during the last 30 days. You can also use this slider to compare how active your users are during the weekday versus the weekend.


3. New user retention rate

Finally, the last graph on the retention page shows you what percent of new users are continuing to interact with your app after one day, seven days, and thirty days. This graph helps you see whether or not new users are still active after their first session at key time intervals. For instance, the day one metric means that X% of people who installed and used your app for the first time yesterday, also used it today.

The higher these percentages are, the stronger your app retention is because it means that a large amount of new users are turning into loyal, habitual users. If we notice any irregularities (i.e. an unusual increase or decrease in your new user retention), we’ll flag it so you can dig into what happened on that day.


From understanding retention to improving it

Fabric’s new retention page helps you measure retention from three different angles: active users (how many people are using my app?), activity segments (how engaged are my users?), and new user retention rate (how often do new users come back to my app?).

Armed with this insight, you’ll develop a baseline understanding of your retention, be able to recognize when it becomes a problem, and act quickly to combat churn. 

If you’re already a Fabric customer, click here to check out your retention page.

If you’re not currently a Fabric customer, get started by signing up and installing Crashlytics.

The new Fabric dashboard: all the analytics you love, reimagined

By Shobhit Chugh, Product Manager & Marc Richards, Engineering Manager


When we launched Fabric’s Answers three years ago, our mission was to provide app teams with analytics they didn’t need to spend hours analyzing. Just as the name implied, Answers made sense of your data by organizing it into insightful, real-time graphs of user behavior. But as our platform evolved to better serve you, two things became apparent:

  1. Our customers used Fabric to accomplish a set of goals, but our dashboard was structured around our tools rather than your needs. Consequently, information about each goal was scattered, which meant that you had to jump between different graphs and screens.

  2. As we built deeper integrations between Fabric’s different components, analytics became the heart of our platform, so it no longer made sense to keep Answers as a separate, siloed brand.

In an effort to provide more clarity and bring data together in a more meaningful way, we’re excited to introduce the new Fabric dashboard! Centered around your top app goals, this dashboard gives you a holistic view of your app’s performance in one place. All the metrics you know and love are still there, now grouped more intuitively by the business impact they have.

Fabric’s new dashboard gives me a bird’s eye view of the areas of my app that need attention, which helps me make smart decisions and spend my time wisely.


Monitor your app from every critical business angle

Over the last year, we spent time listening to your feedback on how you use Fabric, which key  things you measure, and what your top business priorities are. We found that all app teams, regardless of the type of app they develop and manage, have a set of core goals that are vital to their mobile success. They are:

“I want to build a stable app and monitor my latest release.”
“I want to understand what users are doing inside my app so I can engage and retain them.”
“I want to grow my business by acquiring new users and earning revenue.”

Armed with this insight, we updated our dashboard so it’s easier to understand how your app is doing from each of those business-critical angles. Here’s a quick overview of how your brand new Fabric dashboard is organized, and what you can learn from each section.

At the top, you’ll see a real-time graph of your active users. These are people who are using your app right now.

The first row of charts shows you how often people return to your app (retention), how many new users you’re acquiring each day (growth), and how many users are completing your most important in-app action (the KPI - key performance indicator).

The second row of graphs will help you monitor your app quality and gauge the success of your latest release.

As you scroll to the bottom of the dashboard, you’ll see how engaged your users are around the world and what actions they are taking. And if you sell physical or virtual goods in your app, the revenue chart will show you how much money you’re making.

Pro Tip: The new Fabric dashboard compares your data week over week, in real-time. This means that each delta shows you how that metric has changed from what it was at the same time last week.


Dedicated pages provide more context about each app goal

While the main Fabric dashboard gives you a bird’s eye view of what’s happening in your app right now, you can also zoom in on each app goal to get more information by simply clicking on it.

For example, let’s say you recently launched a mobile ad campaign and you notice a corresponding bump in your Daily New Users. Does this mean that your new user acquisition campaign was a success? Maybe at first glance - but you need more information on the caliber of these new users. Are they sticking around and engaging with your app? Are they completing key in-app actions? To get the answer, just click on the growth section.

Now, you’ll be taken to a new growth-focused page that sheds light on the quality and activity level of your new users. We unveiled this growth page back in December, and today, it’s fully integrated into the new Fabric dashboard!

In the next few weeks, we’ll go through each page of the Fabric dashboard in more detail and share best practices on how to make the most of it. Stay tuned!

  • Growth
  • Retention
  • KPI
  • Crashlytics
  • Latest Release
  • Engagement
  • Audience Insights
  • Revenue
  • Events


Iterating for clarity in a chaotic world

As the mobile industry matures, complexity ensues. Our mission is to always provide opinionated, real-time analytics that help you focus on the areas of your app that need attention - without overwhelming you with data.

We enhanced Fabric’s dashboard for clarity to make it easier, and faster, to find the information you need on your most important app goals and business priorities. In the immortal words of the great Leonardo Da Vinci, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

If you’re already a Fabric customer, click here to check out your new dashboard.

If you’re not currently a Fabric customer, get started by signing up and installing Crashlytics.

Fabric is Joining Google

by Rich Paret, VP of Engineering & GM of Fabric

When we launched Fabric in 2014, our goal was to provide the best tools to help developers create amazing apps. Since then, Fabric has evolved from a suite of tools for mobile developers to a powerful platform that helps entire teams build better apps, understand their users, and grow their business. In just two years, Fabric has grown to reach 2.5 billion active mobile devices, and Fabric's Crashlytics and Answers kits were recently recognized as the #1 SDKs for app stability and analytics. We are incredibly proud of the products we have built and grateful to this community of more than 580K passionate mobile developers.

Today we enter the next chapter for Fabric and are pleased to announce that we’ve signed an agreement for Fabric to be acquired by Google and for our team to join Google’s Developer Products Group, working with the Firebase team.

When we met the team at Google we quickly realized that our missions are the same - helping mobile teams build better apps, understand their users, and grow their businesses. Fabric and Firebase operate mobile platforms with unique strengths in the market today. We’re excited to combine these platforms together to make the best mobile developer platform in the world for app teams. Fabric customers: there’s no action you need to take in order to keep using these products. You can preview the new terms of use that will apply when the transaction is closed.*

We love our customers and are excited to continue to offer world-class developer products to all of you in this next chapter. Thank you all for being a part of this adventure with us! You can read more about today’s announcement on Google’s blog.


*When the acquisition is complete, Google will begin providing Fabric, Crashlytics, Answers, and associated beta products under terms that you can preview here. During a transition period, Digits will continue to be maintained by Twitter under its existing terms. If you have any questions or need support for Digits, please ping the Twitter Community forums as usual. If you use any of the Answer’s Enhanced Features Set, such as Audience Insights reporting, those features will continue to be available to you leveraging Twitter data under our Enhanced Features Agreement found here. If you do not wish to continue receiving any of these services, you can stop using them or terminate your agreement before the acquisition is completed, as described in your current agreement with Twitter.