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Former Fox Business News expert and CEO Ryan Tate and his father Richard have been indicted by the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office on eight felony charges and one misdemeanor count.

REVEALED: Mike Flynn’s assistant ran secret social media operation — and results were reported to Bannon

A friend and associate of Ret. Lt. Gen Michael Flynn worked on two major projects for the former national security advisor and one of them might result in him being called into testifying at a hearing.

Sex slavery lawsuit links Trump’s Mar-a-Lago to pedophile ring: report

Last fall’s allegations of sexual assault against President Donald Trump failed to stop his presidency but one of the more explosive of those allegations is once again making headlines.

Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

President Donald Trump is deeply unpopular, and he’s facing probes of his campaign ties to Russia and a myriad of ethical questions about his family business — which could eventually prompt Republican lawmakers to dump him.

‘There’s not gonna be any wall!’: Furious Limbaugh caller says Trump is a ‘sellout’

A Trump-supporting caller to Rush Limbaugh’s Thursday show named Tony said that he is “red-hot angry” at President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for turning out to be politicians just like everyone else in Washington.

Ivanka Trump used Toni Morrison quote to compare herself to a slave in new book

Morrison — who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993 — dedicated Beloved to “Sixty Million and more,” a reference to the Africans and their descendants who died on slave ships or were killed as a result of the slave trade.

Psychopaths are most likely to study this in college

Psychopathy is a real mental health condition that often goes undetected in people, which means you could be living next to, or with, a psychopath and not even know it. So how do you tell a psychopath from your average Donald?

Republicans plan massive beer bash as they take healthcare away from women, the disabled and the poor

Republicans on Thursday passed legislation that would rip away health care from an estimated 24 million Americans.

‘We sued you for that and won’: NY attorney general exposes hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘religious freedom’ order

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) called out President Donald Trump on Thursday for being guilty of violating the same religious freedoms that he now seems to be extolling.

‘QVC for conspiracy’: Ex-employees reveal how Alex Jones bilks fans with quack cures and phony politics

Alex Jones has been lurking around the fringes of American culture for more than two decades, but the bombastic conspiracy theorist has thrust himself into the political mainstream by backing a former reality TV host.

US travel and tourism industry loses more than $89.1 million thanks to Trump’s travel ban

President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travelers from a list of countries has had a major impact on travel and tourism in the United States.

‘I have a target on my back’: Lewandowski out at lobbying firm over concerns he hyped access to Trump

Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is leaving Avenue Strategies, blaming his partner and others.