
by Tim Cushing

Filed Under:
nsa, odni, surveillance, transparency


by Karl Bode

Filed Under:
broadband, competition, fcc, redlinging



by Daily Deal

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06:29 Ted Cruz Doubles Down On Being Wrong: Pushes Yet Another Net Neutrality Killing Bill (42)
03:29 The Premier League Kindly Requests Google De-List All Of Facebook Over Copyright Infringement Claims (26)


18:30 Mounting Privacy Problems In Europe For Facebook's Acquisition Of WhatsApp (2)
15:04 At Senate Hearing, Comey Hints At Expanded NSL Powers And Encryption Backdoors (9)
13:35 Copyright Troll Sends DMCA Notices Targeting Anti-Troll Websites & Lawyers (15)
12:00 Russia Tries To Deliver The Killing Blow To VPN Use (18)
10:50 Facebook Reports More Than Half Of Gov't Demands For Content And Data Come With Gag Orders Attached (3)
10:45 Daily Deal: Amazon Alexa Coding Bundle (0)
09:43 Don't Get Fooled: The Plan Is To Kill Net Neutrality While Pretending It's Being Protected (28)
06:24 Hacker Extortion Attempt Falls Flat Because Netflix Actually Competes With Piracy (36)
03:23 Game Maker Sues Milwaukee Over Permit Requirement To Make Augmented Reality Games (45)


18:15 New Tools Allow Voice Patterns To Be Cloned To Produce Realistic But Fake Sounds Of Anyone Saying Anything (57)
14:58 Personal Security Takes A Hit With Public Release Of NSA's Hacking Toolkit (22)
13:15 Techdirt Podcast Episode 120: The Surveillance State (2)
11:48 Parody Protection For Fair Use Is Important: Taiwanese Man Faces Jail Time Over Parody Videos Of Movies (12)
10:43 ISPs Lose En Banc Appeal, Current Net Neutrality Rules Remain Intact...For Now (10)
10:38 Daily Deal: Machine Learning and Data Science eBook and Course Bundle (0)
09:40 Zillow Sued By Homeowner Because Its Estimate Is Lower Than The Seller Wants To Sell The House For (58)
06:25 New Verizon Video Blatantly Lies About What's Happening To Net Neutrality (36)
03:23 Australian Mandatory Data Retention Abused Just Weeks After Rules Are Put In Place (27)


18:06 Stupid Patents Of The Month: Taxi Dispatch Tech (15)
15:05 Chris Dodd 'Stepping Down' From MPAA (43)
13:26 NSA Statements On 'About' Collection Shutdown Contradict PCLOB's Findings (4)
11:47 Louisiana DA's Office Used Fake Subpoenas For Decades To Trick People Into Talking To Prosecutors (29)
10:38 Homeowner's House Burns Down, He Tries To Rebuild... But Facing Copyright Threats From Original Builder (65)
10:33 Daily Deal: PureVPN Subscription (0)
09:36 No, President Trump Isn't Ditching The First Amendment, But He Is Undermining Free Speech (38)
06:38 Comcast Under Fire For Using Bullshit Fees To Covertly Raise Rates (20)
03:39 The NSA's 702 Shutdown Is Good News, But There Are A Whole Lot Of Caveats (13)


12:00 Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt (10)
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