

White House plans accidentally revealed in Steve Bannon photo

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Donald Trump's chief strategist has accidentally revealed his aims for the presidency, by inadvertently posing for a "selfie" in front of his planning whiteboard.

Steve Bannon, the adviser who provided much of the ideological foundation for Mr Trump's election campaign, posed for a photograph with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a Jewish author and broadcaster, at the White House.

Mr Boteach later tweeted out the picture with a comment declaring: "Steve is a great, stalwart friend of the Jewish state."

But the image also captured a whiteboard behind them where Mr Bannon had scribbled his policy vision.

It included everything from "new extreme vetting" measures for those hoping to immigrate to the US, to building the border wall with Mexico.


Mr Bannon appears to have marked policies which have been addressed by President Trump with a tick.

However, other ideas appear more ambitious, and have not yet been put in the process of being carried out.

Two of these are "finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracker" and "sunset visa so that Congress is forced to revisit and revise".

The whiteboard also promises to revisit health care policies.

The existence of the list has been reported in the past, but this appears to be the first time images of it to have been published.

The list, which focused primarily on immigration, showed the extent of frustrations for this White House, which has failed in its first 100 days to push through many of the measures Mr Bannon has called for.

His desire to "cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities" - areas that avoid using local resources to track down and arrest illegal immigrants - has been temporarily blocked by a North Carolina district court judge.

Mr Trump's desire to temporarily ban immigrants from several Muslim-majority countries has met the same fate.

Describing himself as "America's Rabbi", Mr Boteach is the author of numerous books, including The Israel Warrior: Fighting back for the Jewish State from Campus to Street Corner, The Broken American Male and How to Fix Him, and Kosher Adultery: Seduce and Sin with Your Spouse.

What can be read on the board

Pledges on Obamacare

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Pledges on Tax Reform

Create a 10pc repatriation tax

Lower the corporate tax to 15pc

Eliminate the estate tax

Pledges on Immigration

Cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities

Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions

Implement new extreme immigration vetting tech...

Suspend the Syrian Refugee Program

Create support for victims of illegal immigration

Expand and revitalize the popular 287(g) program

Issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are...for any crime, and they will be placed in removal proceedings

End "Catch-And-Release"

Hire 5000 more Border Patrol agents

Triple the number of ICE agents

Build the border wall and eventually make Mexico....

Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking...

The Telegraph, London