

Baxter Reid in 'great spirits' as GoFundMe funds access is frozen

GoFundMe has frozen access to funds raised for a Canberra man jailed in the United States after overstaying his visa for 90 minutes.

Baxter Reid was arrested at the Canadian border by US immigration officials on April 24.

His American girlfriend Heather Kancso set up a GoFundMe campaign to fund his legal defence.

GoFundMe spokesperson Kelly Galvin said funds had been placed on hold until additional information could be provided about the campaign.

"In order to protect donors, it's not uncommon to get additional information about the campaign before the funds are transferred to the individual," Ms Galvin said.

Ms Kancso wasn't aware funds had been frozen when contacted by the Canberra Times and she then got in touch with GoFundMe.


Ms Kansco and Mr Reid arrived at the Canadian border at 10:00pm on Sunday, April 23 where they were questioned by Canadian police for several hours and eventually turned back.

Upon crossing back into the US at 1:30am Monday, April 24, Mr Reid was arrested for overstaying his visa for 90 minutes.

David Immigration Law principal attorney Andrew David said it was clear the US was taking a more hardline stance against immigration violators.

Mr Reid was on a B1 / B2 visa which allowed him five years in the US but required him to leave every six months.

It's normally reserved for people who need to travel frequently to the US but don't need to live there.

"Some people who get this, will go: 'Great, I've got 6 months, all I have to do is go out and come back in', and that's where the danger happens," Mr David said.

"There's no hard and fast rule, that's generally not how it's supposed to work. They want you to do a bit of time out of the US."

"The concern in this situation is, well, it's down to the minute."

Mr David isn't representing Mr Reid but said an arrest for the breach was unnecessary.

"You've got this young kid that's tied up in this ridiculous situation, it's not good."

Speaking from the Buffalo Federal Detention Centre in Batavia, New York, Mr Reid said he was in great spirits.

"I have the best support team of friends and family that anyone could ask for," Mr Reid said.

"I'm just hoping that I can return to the States and be with my girlfriend, Heather."

"And just hoping that life doesn't change very much for me, and I continue to see all my friends in America again."

Mr Reid is expected to face court for a bond hearing on May 10, when his family is hoping he will be allowed to go free.